Page 11 of Royal

“Wow, this is the best,” I tell him.

He smiles widely. “It’s one of my favorites.”

There is another appetizer on the table. It looks like some sort of roll. Royal sees me eyeing it and uses his knife to cut it in the middle. “This is a mini beef Wellington.”

He hands me one half, and he has ahold of the other. We bite into it simultaneously, and I try not to groan at how amazing it tastes. “Whoa, this is amazing,” I tell him.

“These are some of my favorite dishes here that I wanted you to try.”

Once we finish the food, I try to prepare myself for dinner because I am already halfway stuffed.

The waitress comes and takes our plates before bringing in the main courses soon after. “You’re spoiling me,” I say when I see the filet mignon steak, garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

He smooths my hair over my shoulder to better see my face. “You deserve it,” he says so simply, the words rolling off his tongue, not knowing their impact on me.

We barely speak as we’re eating our main courses, but I’m hyperaware of the small touches he gives me, when he brushes my forearm as he talks to me, his hand on my knee when I speak, giving me his full attention.

It makes me feel special. These little touches are such a small thing that I’m sure he isn’t even thinking about it, but it’s sweet.

Soon, we finish our food, and I sit back, fighting the urge to unbutton my pants and pat my belly because I’m so stuffed.

Royal finishes the food I hadn’t eaten, so I know he must feel it. “Dessert?” The waitress is beside me, and my eyes widen, knowing full well I couldn’t eat another bite.

He laughs. “I believe we are more than stuffed. Can we have the check?” he asks, and she opens the book she takes orders in, sliding the bill across the table.

I catch how much it is, gasping in shock at the amount. I put my hand on my bottom lip. “Royal, please let me help pay for this.”

He gives me a look like I just broke his heart for even suggesting such a thing. “The day I let you pay for any sort of shit is the day you put me away in a mental institution.”

I laugh at how dramatic he is being, and he chuckles with me.

He slides over a massive wad of cash to the waitress. “Keep the change.”

Royal takes my hand and slides out my chair so it’s easier for me to stand. I expect him to let go of my hand once I’m standing, but he doesn’t.

Instead, he laces our fingers together. I look down at the difference in size between our hands. His hand is enormous, and mine is practically hidden in his. It’s cute.

The night air feels fantastic against my heated skin. I tilt my head back and look at the beautiful stars. The city is amazing, but moments like this, looking at the stars makes me love living in the country.

“Ready to go home?” he asks me.


The ride back is better as I’m more used to riding on the back of the bike. I have my car keys in my pocket, so I can leave straight after I’m dropped off to get Donovan. “Have to go pick your boy?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah, the day care will close in an hour.”

“Keys?” he asks me. I give him a confused look, wondering why he wants my keys, but going along with it, I hand them to him.

“I will drive.”

Wait, what?

“Wait, what are you talking about?” This time, I speak out loud instead of in my mind, and he laughs quietly. He takes my hand and leads me to the passenger seat. “Get your ass in, and we will go get your boy.”

I press my lips together, and he opens my door. As I sit inside, he gives me a smirk, which makes him look way too attractive.

He gets in the driver’s side, having to move the seat back so he can fit in my car. His knees were pressed against the steering wheel before he got the seat adjusted enough. I can’t fight the urge to laugh at this, amused.