Page 71 of Terror

He laughs. “Darlin, you are mine. My baby is in your belly, my cut is on your back, and the only thing left is for you to marry me.”

I giggle, not even caring that he didn’t ask me. “I would say yes over and over again. Because I love you,” I confess.

His eyes close like he is letting my words sink in. “And I love you my angel, more than life itself. I will die for you; I have already killed for you.”

My eyes widen at the kill for me. “Kill?”

He tightens his hands on my thighs. “Seth is gone, baby. The guy that tried to hurt you today? He is gone too. It’s all over.”

It’s all over.

It repeats over and over in my head. “It really is over.”

He nods. “You will never have to see him again. You are safe and our baby is safe.” His hand drifts from my thigh to my stomach. “I can’t wait for the day until I can feel him or her moving inside you.”

My hand moves over top of his. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I have dreamt of this kind of life.” I shake my head. “But this is better than I ever expected, you are more than I imagined.”

I kiss his cheek. “You, are the love of my life; there is no doubt about that. Our babies are going to have the best dad, the best life and the family I wish I had.”

His face is so soft, tender. “I’m going to give you the world, everything.”

I look from the ring on my hand to the cut. “I think I already have everything.”

This is the beginning of the rest of my life. “Mrs. Meghan Sawyer has a good ring to it.”

He laughs. “The fucking best.”



Three Months Pregnant

* * *

We waited until I was past the first trimester to tell Marie and Dante. Honestly, I was a little selfish wanting to have this just to me and Terror for a bit.

Plus, I did a blood test that lets me know the gender earlier and I have kept that from Terror so he can have a surprise at the same time as his mom.

It has been hard to keep the secret from her because almost every time she calls to check in on us, she asks if we’re expecting, and I have to deny that we are. It’s been hard to not let it slip and tell her.

Right now, we are on our way to the diner, a place I haven’t been back to since what happened with the break in.

Terror has his hand in mine, the grin on his face hasn’t left since Knight gave me a clean bill of health this morning and we decided it’s time.

But Terror doesn’t know that Knight slipped me a piece of paper with the gender on it. I peeked and Terror is going to die.

I have the bakery in town delivering a cake that I’ll have him cut into and the color will either be pink or blue.

He looks at me from the corner of his eye every so often and I know he knows something is up.

The diner comes into view and the butterflies hit me hard. We got Marie a bouquet of flowers and on the card, it reads: “You are going to be a grandma”.

The diner is closed today for maintenance and that was another reason we came here.

Dante is outside the clinic wiping the windows and he turns to us when we pull in. He walks to my door and helps me out.

Terror doesn’t like that and gives him a glare that Dante can’t see. I cover my smile and let him lift me out of the truck. “Thank you, Dante. Long time no see, huh?”