Page 63 of Terror

I start to sit up when the doctor pulls something out of his pocket. It’s silver and has a point. Is that a knife?

I try to scoot up the bed and out of the way. My heart sinks and I scream.

“What the fuck?” Terror yells, gripping the doctor’s hand before he could stab me between the legs with the knife. Terror twists the doctor's hand until I hear a snap, and the knife clatters to the floor. The doctor reaches toward me once more.

I try to get off the table, screaming and using my feet to kick out at him.

I feel like I’m going to throw up. Terror tears him off the small rolling chair and drags him onto the floor. He punches him so hard in the face that he is knocked unconscious instantly.

My hands are shaking as I try to push down my gown so I’m not exposing myself.

He just tried to stab me in the vagina with a knife, he was trying to kill my baby. I feel like I’m going to pass out; I’m scared out of my mind.

Terror stands over the doctor, his hands clenched, and I know he is fighting himself to not do anything else to him.

The door to the room opens and a woman doctor is standing at the entrance wearing a white coat. She drops the papers she’s holding. “Oh my God! What happened?”

Then it hits me that this person lied, and he came in here just to do me harm. Terror looks at her and then the man on the floor coming to same understanding that I just did.

Terror takes out his phone, walks over to me and holds me to his chest. He is shaking from the rage. I’m mad and scared myself.

Most of all, I’m confused.

The doctor shuts the door. “You can take him out the back door,” she says. Why isn’t she calling the police?

“Can I take a look at you?” she asks, and Terror stands in front of me. His trust is broken and so is mine.

I rest my head on the top of his back, shaking so hard. My fingers grip the back of his cut, scared out of my mind.

I was already nervous about coming here to do this, but this was worst than I could ever fathom.

“We will let Knight take a look at her; we don’t trust you,” Terror tells her harshly. She takes a step back. “I would never harm her. I have delivered a lot of the babies from your club,” she points out.

“It doesn’t fucking matter. Who is this man and why did he try to hurt her?” he asks her, but she shakes her head looking down at the man on the floor.

“I have never seen him before. I’m not sure why he was even here,” she confesses. I don’t look at her, I don’t want to see her. It may not be her fault, but this is too much.

But I do want to know without a doubt. “Am I pregnant?” I ask her, not looking around from behind Terror.

I hear her shuffling around, the sound of papers rattling. “You are pregnant.” I close my eyes feeling better at the confirmation.

A few moments pass and the door is thrown open, hearing it bang into the wall. “What the fuck happened?” Knight asks and I let out a sigh of relief knowing that backup is here.

“This fucker tried to stab her with a knife. He pretended to be the doctor,” Terror rushes and kicks the guy in the foot. Feeling safe enough now, I stick my head out from the side of Terror.

The woman looks horrified. “I know the drill. I am going to leave now and pretend that I didn’t see a thing.” She leaves and shuts the door.

“Andrey has a van outside the back door so we can take this fucker,” Knight tells Terror and I finally relent to sitting back to look at Knight along with the man on the floor.

“I just don’t understand. If Terror wasn’t here...” I trail off still in shock by everything that has happened.

This was meant to be an exciting day, to find things out about my baby, but I don’t think I could step foot back in this place ever again.

I know that Knight is a surgeon and this is not even in his wheelhouse, but I don’t think I could trust anyone ever again to not hurt me in such a way. “Knight, can you be my doctor? I just don’t think I could trust anyone else,” I ask him.

He nods. “I will without a doubt, we already have the things needed at the clubhouse from when River was expecting Skylar. I also did a lot of training with a OBYGN so I could be prepared for things like this, our women have crazy luck.”

I laugh and I do feel much better about that.