Page 25 of Terror

Being bold, I can’t resist scooting over to the middle seat so I can be closer to him. He sets his hand on my knee, and I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder.

I sigh and let my eyes drift closed, warm and feeling safer than I ever have in my life.

My mind can’t get over the fact that he defended and protected me. I bring my arm around his, resting my hand on top of his resting on my knee.

I feel like I’m floating from the amount of butterflies in my stomach; they never leave me, not with this man around me.

I lift his hand off my knee, turning it over so I can intertwine our fingers together. Time passes and he slows down at a massive gate. Through the gate you can see a huge warehouse-type of building.

I sit up higher so I can see better. “What is that huge building?” I ask.

“That is where me and my brothers get together, it’s a gathering place.”

I furrow my brows. “Brothers?”

“That’s what we call each other, they are my brothers.”

“Like a family?”

He nods. “That’s exactly right.”

I lift my hand to push a strand of hair out of my face and I wince when I rub the back of my hand.

He stops the truck at hearing my wince. “What is it?” he asks me.

I turn my hand over for him to look and I cringe at the blister that has popped up from the coffee burn.

“Fuck,” Terror curses and pulls up in front of the warehouse building. “Let me get your hand checked.”

I laugh slightly. “It’s okay. I will put some burn cream on, and it will be fine,” I tell him. This is not the first time I have been burnt and probably won’t be the last.

“Humor me, please?” he asks nicely, and I sigh letting him pull me out of the truck. He holds my hand out like it’s a second away from falling off.

He pushes the door open and a couple of men, all who look as scary as Terror, walk over. “What’s wrong?” A man comes out from a side door. I look at the cut on his vest and it says President.

“It’s a long fucking story, but is Knight in?” Terror asks and the President stares at me for a beat. “He is in his office,” the President tells Terror. I give him a small smile trying not to have a panic attack from the way he is looking at me, but I don’t feel like he is being cruel. Terror does a quick introduction before we go see this guy, Knight.

“Nice to meet you, Gage,” I tell him and let Terror lead me away further into the warehouse, he chuckles.

A few other men nod at me, but we are moving too fast for me to read their vests. Terror doesn’t knock on a door, just pushes it open.

There is a man dressed in a cut like the other men. He stands up once we enter. “What happened?” he asks, and Terror holds my hand out.

I try not to laugh at how dramatic he is being, but I’m loving the way he is fussing over me. I haven’t had that since I was a small child.

Knight, I see his name on his vest, looks amused by Terror’s reaction and I try not to smile. “Well, I think she will live,” he tells Terror who glares at him. “I will get some burn cream for you, and we will wrap it up,” he explains the plan.

Then I remembered and blurt out, “Terror has burns on the back of his neck too.” I point to him, and he huffs knowing he didn’t like me telling on him.

I giggle and Knight looks at the back of his neck. “What the fuck happened to you both, getting burns like this?” he asks, and I cringe at the question.

“A fucker at the diner didn’t like that she turned him down. He got pissed and threw hot coffee at her and I caught the brunt of it.”

Is it strange that I’m still saddened for Seth? “I think Seth has some mental health issues going on,” I point out.

Terror smiles, shaking his head. “She is a fucking saint.”

Knight smiles at me. “Reminds me of my ole lady.”