Page 21 of Terror

Seth shoves his card toward me but before I can take it, Terror takes it and slides it behind him toward his mother. She snatches it up and hurries to check him out.

The whole entire diner is silent watching Terror and Seth. If they start fighting, I seriously worry that Seth could get hurt. I think he has some mental health issues or something. His personality and actions today are just like that first day, but they are completely opposite of how he’s been these last few months. Almost like he has a split personality or multi-personalities.

Seth finally takes a step back and moves to where the register is. Terror takes ahold of my shaking hand. I can’t help but be scared but I have seen enough times what men can do to women.

I never wanted to hurt Seth. I never knew that he even liked me until just now. I turn away and try not to stare at him.

Terror rubs my back and turns to me. “Are you okay?” he asks me.

I nod, rattled a little bit and a lot confused. I look over at Seth to see him staring at me once again and I try to give him a small smile. He mouths to me, not making a sound. “Whore.”

I gasp in complete and utter shock that he would say that to me. “What the fuck happened?” Terror asks and whips around. “He called her a whore; he mouthed it to her,” Marie says.

In the blink of the eye Terror leaves me and goes straight to Seth, gripping him by his throat. “You fucking dare call her that?” he roars in his face, and I grip the countertop, shaking at the tone he has.

It’s terrifying.

Seth glares back at Terror. “You are fucking fired. Get your shit out of my shop and if I see you within a hundred feet of her? You forfeit your life.” Terror tightens his grip on his throat.

He throws him back by his throat, and Seth takes a step back. He nods and rubs his throat where Terror was choking him.

I want to talk to him, make him understand it wasn’t personal that I turned him down, but him calling me a whore? That was so out of left field, and I just don’t understand the change in him.

Terror throws his card toward the door and walks back toward me. I bite my lip, I hate confrontation. I have dealt with so much of it my whole life and I just want peace.

This is the first time someone has defended me and so viciously. I put my back to Seth, wanting to forget this day ever happened.

I have never been someone who voices their opinions when someone has wronged me, I just stay silent and take it.

I haven’t had someone be mean to me in the months I have been here, and it threw me for a loop because it was so unexpected.

“Let’s have you take the rest of the day off, okay?” Marie asks me, moving behind the counter, down the line closer to me.

“I’m sorry this happened, Marie. I’m not sure what even happened.” I shake my head in disbelief. “I was kind to him. I just told him I was seeing someone else. He has never been weird like this before.”

“It's not your fault, don’t blame yourself for the fucker, darlin. I believe he had a thing for you, and it pissed him off knowin’ you were seeing someone.”

This doesn’t make sense. “I had no clue; he was like any other customer,” I tell them.

“I was not!” he screams suddenly from behind me. It’s like my whole body is frozen in place. I watch Terror’s face and it slowly fills with rage.

Before I can turn around to see what he is yelling about, Terror has me pressed against him, his back turning, and then it hits me.

It covers us completely, Terror getting the brunt of it and the smell seeps through my nose. Coffee.

Someone has thrown scalding, hot coffee on us.

The pain is unbearable. I turn around in Terror’s arms and see that the coffee has hit his leather on his back, the back of his neck, and head.

He growls and spins around with me behind him. “You. Are. Dead.”

Seth throws the coffee pot toward us, and it shatters on the ground in front of us. Terror doesn’t flinch, and Seth runs out the door, down the street.

Just gone.

Terror scoops me off my feet, running with me out of the room and into my apartment.

I can feel him shaking with anger.