Page 26 of The Warren Effect

“And now it’s gone,” she sighed. “Where is that delivery?”

“Vulture will bring it in.”

“Wonderful. Is Birdy still grumpy?”

“Vulture isn’t grumpy. That is his normal.”

“I’m right here, jackass,” he grumbled at Roach. Vulture stomped into the kitchen with his hands full of bags.

“Did they send half the store?” Rose marveled at the bags Vulture sat on the floor. Three more guys barged into the kitchen carrying bags overflowing with groceries. “I take that back. You bought the entire store.”

“Those cinnamon rolls were good. Can you make-”

“She ain’t making you shit,” Vulture grunted at the man holding bags.

“Um,” Rose scanned his cut for a name. “Badger. You all must have a thing for animal names. What would you like?”

“Do you make pies? My grandma used to make these little hand pies. The peach ones were my favorite. Any chance you can make those?”

“If there are peaches in those bags, I can.”

“She isn’t here to bake for you,” Vulture barked again.

“Birdy, who peed on your pillow? I am not trying to get out of my job. Franny and I have to share the kitchen duties. You are all going to get something from the freezer that is burned and of questionable origin for the main course. You and your merry boy band will rave about how good it is even though it tastes like you would rather lick the floor. At least when it is my turn, you can have something edible for dessert.”

“Church,” Tank bellowed.

“Stay here,” Vulture ordered as the men filed out of the kitchen.

“Stay here, please,” Roach quickly added. “If you have time, I would eat some of those hand pie things too. Rosey, my dream, anything but peach. I hate peaches.”

Rose stood staring at the bags covering most of the kitchen floor. The men disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

“I suppose this isn’t going to put itself away.”

She was closing the fridge door when Franny came in looking flustered. Rose knew something was very wrong when Franny slammed the door shut.

“You okay?”

“Tell me you didn’t,” she pleaded.

“If everyone is against peach hand pies, I can make a different flavor.”

“What?” Franny recoiled. “No. Who said anything about pies?”

“Birdy got pissy because Badger asked me to make hand pies. What is with the animal names? Is it a biker thing?”

“Manly dick measuring,” she waved it off. “Is there anything you want to confess? They’ll go easy on you if you tell them everything. The club can help if someone put you up to this or if you are in trouble. All you have to do is say something.”

“Franny, I have no idea what you think I have done, but I haven’t done anything. I don’t have any contact from the outside world. I haven’t even talked to Lucas. Model prisoner, right here. Most of the time, I don’t even have my phone on me.”

“Please don’t lie to me. I really like you, and it would hurt my heart to march your scrawny ass to the cabin. We are the only women for miles. Well, besides the free pussies. I love your snark. I haven’t had a female friend in longer than I can remember. If you did something, just say it. We can figure a way out of this before I lose the only friend I’ve had in longer than I can remember.”

“It’s so sweet you think my ass is scrawny,” Rose fawned before turning serious. “I swear to you there isn’t anything I need to say. If it will make you feel better, you can have the key to my room. Go look at whatever you want. I have nothing to hide. Ladybug and Birdy took my bats and baseballs when I got here. Tank gave me the phone I have in the parking lot of Aces. I haven’t used it much. The phone is in my room. The only thing I damaged is one knife. It wasn’t my fault. Birdy deserved it.”

“You tried to stab Vulture?” Franny asked, shocked.

“Nope. I threw a knife at him when he startled me. Who stands in the kitchen in the dark? Damn, weirdo. What did he expect me to do? I am not made to stand there and scream until someone comes to rescue me. Who has time for that?”