There were dressed in full gear as they blew past anyone who tried to stop them on their way to the birthing suite. Security had been called, but Rat threatened to tear them apart if they didn’t stand down and let them get to their kitten.
He was a father. He watched as his amazing wife brought life into the world. He always knew she was strong, but he had no idea how strong she was until today. Angelina was a walking miracle. His walking miracle.
“Ben,” Jake’s worried voice penetrated Ben’s fog.
“Girl,” he choked out as he wiped his eyes.
“Told you,” Quinn’s chest puffed up. “My baby girl has a baby girl.”
“Hold on, gramps,” Ben laughed.
Holding out his hand to collect his prize, Quinn paused.
“Is our girl okay?” Jake panicked. The money in his hands floated to the floor.
“All of my girls are doing well.”
“All?” Max asked.
“Identical twin girls.”
“Nice,” Drake marveled. “Gonna buy some pink shit.” He wiped a tear as he whipped out his phone.
“Can we see her?” Sam asked.
“She is resting, but it shouldn’t be long until she is ready for visitors.”
“Congratulations,” she sniffled, hugging him.
“I have girls,” he marveled.
“Go,” Jake whooshed. “We’ll wait until our girl is ready. Max has delivery on speed dial. Our family is here holding down the fort. Go take care of Angelina.”
Ben hurried down the hall to his wife. He silently opened the door and found her sitting on the bed with a bundle in each arm. His heart stalled at the sight. Angelina glowed, radiating love at the little lives she brought into the world.
“Love you, Shorty,” he managed to get out around the lump in his throat.
“Love you too. Even though you almost missed the birth of our girls.”
Ben sat on the side of her bed. “Sorry, love. I got here as quick as I could.”
They sat staring at the two perfectly blended replicas of themselves cradled in her arms.
“What are we going to name them?” Ben asked as he gently took one of his daughters in his arms. The baby was tiny. She snuggled into his arm and took a piece of his heart when she aimed her eyes at him.
“I was thinking Allie and Mattie.”
“Whatever you want is what it will be.”
“I kind of decided it when you went to tell the family,” Angelina whispered sheepishly.
“Angelina, love, just tell me which daughter I have,” Ben chuckled.
“You have Mattie. I have Allie.”
“Welcome to the world, little one,” Ben whispered as he kissed Mattie. “Your mom and I love you so much, and you have a big, crazy family waiting to meet you.”
He kissed Allie’s head with whispered words of love. Tears spilled down Angelina’s face.