Page 76 of Fairy Godmen

“The bill was from a clinic,” he whispered into her hair. “She decided she didn’t want to be a mother or a wife. When I finally got her to answer the phone, she admitted seeing someone on the side. He didn’t want a baby. It would cramp their lifestyle. She didn’t want anything to do with me anymore, so she handled the problem. The bitch laughed. She told me to make sure I paid the full amount and hung up.”

Angelina’s heart broke for him. She held Ben tighter with her head tucked under his chin. There were no comforting words to say, nothing to ease the suffering. All she could do was hold him close, share in his pain, and be the comfort he sought.

“All I asked for was a picture. The clinic said it was standard practice to do an ultrasound before any procedure. They were happy to take my money but wouldn’t tell me if she took the pictures they offered.”

“I’m so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you were going through. It is inhumane.”

“That is because you are a thousand times the woman Jenna could ever dream of being. Angelina, you and her don’t speak the same language. What she did, there are no words. I have no idea how I didn’t see the kind of woman she is.”

“How long ago was it?”

“Ten years.”

“And you just now got the picture?” Angelina leaned back to see his face.

“The bitch is like a shitty disease. She thinks she can suck me dry when she is between meal tickets. The hook has always been the picture. She’ll give it to me for some cash.”

“And she is still breathing,” she muttered.

“Love you.”

Angelina snuggled closer, resting her head on his shoulder, breathing in the smell of her soap and a scent that was all Ben.

“The first time, I gave her money. She was gone again when she found another man to support her. A few years later, she talked her way into getting access to my bank account. They called me before she drained it. She got a hundred grand before she tripped the fraud alert. After that, I leave less than a grand in there.”

“How did she find you?”

“I was a dumbass,” he confessed. “It has been years since I heard from her. Apparently, it was because she couldn’t find me. When I bought the truck, I transferred cash into that account.”

“You bought the truck with your card,” she finished for him.

“They delivered the truck here.”

“Would anyone miss her?”

Ben chuckled. “Making me hard, Shorty.”

“Not until you are healed.”

“What?” Ben recoiled. “Why?”

“Have you seen the bruise on your chest? What happened to your arm? You have stitches in your head. What about the bags under your eyes?”

“Has nothing to do with me being hard wanting you.”

Angelina opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

“I promise. There are no other women. I didn’t lie about that. Jenna has been my ex-wife for ten years. I’m clean. We get tested twice a year because we go to some places that are a few steps below a shithole. You are hurting my feelings, love.”

“No,” Angelina shook her head. “There will be no pussy licking in your condition. What if something happens to you?”

“If I go out of this world between your sexy thighs, I’m good with that.”

“Do you have a concussion? Do I need to go get Rat?”

“I don’t share,” Ben growled.

“How did we get from injuries to sharing? You know what? This is ridiculous. There will be no pussy licking or any other licking until you are healed and have slept long enough for you not to look like you’re knocking on death’s door.”