Page 45 of Fairy Godmen

“After being in the Army for twenty years, there were things I wanted to do, places I wanted to see before I bought a place to live.”

“That is understandable.”

“I saved everything I earned. I was just looking for the right place.”

“Do you have a job other than the one for my dad?”

“Not much call for a guy that can blow up buildings and make it look like an accident.”

“I haven’t seen that position listed online.”

“Don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to.”

“I didn’t realize the Army paid that well.”

Ben settled his hands on her ass to distract her. There would be time later to explain. He didn’t want to say anything that would make her move her delicious body off his. The money and job conversation could wait.

“Don’t worry, Shorty. I’m loaded.”

“Me too. Being featured in magazines tends to bring in business.”

“Bet it does.”

“Do you have family?”

“No one close.”

“Slow down with the details,” she grumbled. “I have no idea how I’ll remember all of this.”

“My parents are dead. My dad died in a car crash. Mom died of breast cancer. I was a surprise. They were both in their late forties when mom got pregnant.”

Angelina wrapped her arms around him as far as she could reach, hugging him.

“What about you?” Ben desperately tried to get her attention off him.

“My father is addicted to traveling in his RV. He brings home his Army buddies and invites them to stay.”

“I know better. Quinn would kill a man if he looked at you the wrong way.”

“He brought you home and left. Dad is gone a lot. He isn’t as protective as you think.”

Ben let it go. That was going to be part of the conversation for a different time. One where she wasn’t lying on top of him, making his blood drain to his other head.

“Where is your mom?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. She took off when I was little. She couldn’t handle his life being on the go with the Army. She left me with my grandma, my dad’s mom, and I haven’t seen her since.”

Ben dropped another kiss on her temple.

“Grandma passed when I was a senior in high school. After that, it has been Dad and me.”

“Why architecture?”

“I like pretty buildings. Why blow things up?”

“So I can make room for your pretty buildings.”
