“What was that bath bomb called?”
“Baby maker.”
“You will be my wife as soon as I can get you to the courthouse. Want you tied to me in every way I can get it done.”
“Army Ken,” she sighed. “Most rational people discuss these things before they get knocked up.”
“Fine,” Ben surged to his feet. “You want to discuss it? Let me help you out. This is how it is going to go down. Your ring is in the bedroom waiting to go on your finger. There is a tracking chip under the diamond. Yes, it is necessary. It had better never leave that finger, or your ass will be red. If I couldn’t find you, there wouldn’t be a soul safe in the world until I had eyes on you. If someone thinks they can take you from me, they will die.”
“We have an appointment with the judge in two days. I applied for a marriage license. Your name has already been changed. The only thing left is to get you in front of the judge. I could have taken care of that too, but I thought you would want to be there for that. You are going to be the mother of my children. If you aren’t already knocked up, I’ll be in that sweet pussy every chance I can get until my boys do their job.”
“Is that so?” Angelina crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
“You would have married me without my permission?”
“Already had it. You told me you love me. I sleep in bed with you every night. That is permission in my book.”
“Well, Ben Owen, sounds like you have everything handled,” she growled.
Ben opened his mouth to tell her she was his, but Angelina slapped her hand over his lips.
“You’d better take me to bed and make sure your boys are doing their job.”
“Fuck, Shorty. I thought you were going to nut me.”
“No more baby maker bath bombs.”
“I don’t want your beautiful soft skin turning red,” he agreed.
“From bath bombs,” she clarified. “If you wanted to spank my ass, that is a completely different story.”
“I will spank you as I fuck you on every surface in the house,” Ben grinned, flipping off the water. Tossing her over his shoulder, he didn’t bother with towels. Strutting to their bedroom, he tossed her on the bed. Kicking the door shut, he pounced on the bed. Before she could move, Ben rolled her under him and pinned her to the mattress.
“I love you, Army Ken,” Angelina sighed happily.
“Love you so much, Shorty.”
“Looks like Gary won,” Angelina laughed.
“Who the hell is Gary?”
“Gary and Mack, my clients,” she tried to jog his memory.
“The two guys in your office when you punched me in the nose for staking my claim?”
“Same two guys.”
“And what do we get out of it?”
“You get me, Gary gets two grand, and Mack gets to buy lunch.”
“Tell me again.”
“Hmm, tell you what?” She teased.