Page 80 of Fairy Godmen

“If you two are through,” padre interrupted. “Once you put your clothes on, we can discuss the deal we are going to make.”

“Think he is jealous of my cock?” Ben winked at Angelina.

“Yours is definitely bigger. I have pictures if you want to compare,” she had no idea what came over her to lie about the pictures. Where would she have had the room to stash her phone in that dress? If it got padre out of her office faster, it would be worth one little white lie. The man gave off creepy vibes in tsunami waves.

Ben laughed as he stood. Unhurriedly, he pulled his jeans up while blocking Angelina from their visitor’s view. Ben handed her the dress he had discarded. His eyes never left the man, waiting for him to make a move.

Angelina tugged the dress over her head. She placed her hand on his back and stepped to his side. Ben’s arm came around her, keeping her body close to his.

“Alright, padre. Wanna tell me why you are here in my woman’s office?”

“Angelina and I have business to discuss.”

“Shorty, honey, you sure you don’t know him?”

“Only from what I saw of him and the little padre having confession time in the bathroom.”

“Got a name?”

“You wound me,” padre frowned. “I have to have a word with my publicist. Obviously, I am not the household name he claims I am.”

Angelina gasped.

“You didn’t recognize me. I wondered if you had.”

“Honey, you want to fill me in?”

“It’s Jake’s dad.”

“You are correct,” he smiled.

Angelina shivered, feeling like she was being judged and found wanting. She had a sinking feeling they were about to become this man’s newest pawn.

“My name is Daniel Benson. You may recognize me as Reverend Daniel Benson from one of my televised evangelism crusades. Possibly from one of the many books I have published. I have saved millions of lost souls like yours.”

“Primetime evangelism at its finest. Judgmental and condescending must get you loads of fans.”

“You forget about the book deals,” Daniel winked. “Very lucrative.”

“Intimidation is your game,” Ben nodded in understanding. “Promise people a better life, pave the way for them, but only if they send donations. You know there is a name for that.”


“Scam,” Ben countered.

“Dick,” Angelina added.

“I came to speak with you about a reasonable arrangement.”

“And what would that be,” Ben tensed.

“It is a personal nature.”

“Sorry,” Angelina swallowed hard. “I don’t need time in the confessional.”

“There are many benefits to reaching an agreement. It would be tragic if something happened to you or your business.”

“Get to the point or get out,” Ben’s voice was steady, but the warning was clear.