Page 67 of The Beloved

“Girlfriend or partner?”


“So how about you and I stop talking about timing.” Nalla shook her head. “Otherwise, I’m going to assume you’re scared of my father, and using the calendar as an excuse. Which is not a good look for you.”

“I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

“You need to mind your own business with that.” She stroked his shoulder. “And I’m not looking for anything more than right now from you.”

“Fair enough.” His eyes shifted to her parka. “Aren’t you too warm in that?”

Nalla knew that if she took her jacket off, everything else she was wearing was liable to end up on the floor.

So she sat up and unzipped the puffy black folds. As she pulled them off, she could feel him staring at her body, his eyes lingering on her breasts under the fleece and t-shirt she’d been loaned.

Lowering herself back onto his chest, she stroked his pec. “You’re so hard everywhere.”

There was a beat of silence. Then he cocked an eyebrow. “Now, there’s a comment.”

Nalla blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Well,” he murmured. “It’s true.”

What thehellwas coming out of his mouth?

As Nate was spitting lines like he was Shuli in a club, he couldn’t believe what the fuck he was saying. But here was the thing. When he looked at Nalla… he liked what was going on inside of him. For the first time in an eternity, there was something other than the darkness and anger, and though the mating instinct was like a freight train pounding through him, it was so much better than where he usually was.

Plus she was so close, her mouth just a couple of inches from his own, her breasts cushioning against his pecs, the scent of her arousal tingling in his nose, in his blood.

He touched her hair, stroking back the flyways that were damp from them rolling around in the snow, laughing. He still couldn’t believe she had lifted him up and marched across the meadow, and he was never going to forget the sight of her concentration, everything she had in her focused on getting them both back to the house: There could have been an NFL defensive line set up between her and that back door into the garage, and he was quite certain she would have plowed right through it.

Did he want to kiss her some more? Fuck, yeah, he did.

Except it had been a while since he’d done anything sexual with anybody, including himself, and anyway, he didn’t think the escorts he’d paid for back in the day had prepared him for this moment, right here, right now. That had been transactional. This was… real.

And as with how it had been by the fire, Nalla was the one who came forward—and he wanted that. His urge to roll her over, mount her, and penetrate her was so strong, he didn’t trust himself not to rip off her clothes with his fangs and—

The contact of their mouths stopped his thoughts, slamming all of his consciousness into the brick wall of sensation: More of her warmth and velvety softness. The movement of her breasts against his bare chest. All kinds of sexual stimulation shooting down his spine and going right into his cock.

Which throbbed against the button fly of his leathers.

More. Now.

Cupping her nape, he urged her into him, tilting his head so they could continue the exploration. His reward was a moan that vibrated out of her and into him, and as he swallowed it, another, different kind of urge exploded in him—

She pulled back sharply.

At first, he thought she was getting off the bed—at least one of them coming to their senses—and the disappointment sucked. But then she unzipped her blue fleece, and shifted over so she was lying on her side next to him.

His heart rate exploded as she exposed her throat and held the collar down.

“Take my vein. I can feel how much you need it.”

She was right, of course. For the last decade, he’d been living off the synthetic stuff his mother had formulated in her lab. That breakthrough, which the species had needed for centuries, had made things so much easier in so many ways, but bio-identical was not the same as the real thing—especially not when the vein in question was a female like Nalla’s.

Turning to face her, he ran a fingertip over her jugular, feeling the pulse, bump… bump… bump…

His fangs dropped and he licked his lips.