Page 81 of Mine

AFTER DANIEL KICKEDtheir bedroom door shut, he kissed his wolven so hard, she stumbled backwards—but she was nothing if not light on her feet. And as she caught her balance and wrapped her arms around him, that was exactly what he needed more of.

Melding their mouths once again, he took them all the way over to their bed, and as she fell back against the mattress, he covered her with his body, pushing his way between her legs, shoving an arm under her so he could hold her even closer. Goddamn, this was good. His tongue was in her mouth, and his free hand was going for her breast, and his hips were rocking against her—

It was hard to say when… things got hard.

And not as in difficult.

He was so busy just swallowing her moans, and feeling her undulate under him, that he didn’t even notice when the softness of her core startedto cushion something at his pelvis. A ridge. A length—

Daniel slowed down. Pulled back. Pulled off.

And looked to the front of his pants.

Well. This was…“Fuck.”

“What’s wrong—are you—what…”

As her words drifted off into stunned silence, he was pretty sure she saw what had captured his own attention.

“You know,” he said, “all things considered, it shouldn’t be that surprising.”

At that, he looked at his beautiful wolven, with her lips so red from his hard treatment, and her hair tumbling over the pillow, and her ribs pumping in a way that jogged her breasts, the tight nipples bouncing.

She was, after all, the hottest female anything he had ever seen.

“Fuck, we gotta move,” he heard himself say.

Like there was an expiration on the erection? But shit, in case there was, he wasn’t missing this chance to—

“Oh, my God, yes,” she blurted. “Fast!”

The scrambling that followed was about as romantic as tearing the clothes off someone who needed urgent medical treatment. As Lydia started yanking off her pants, Daniel’s own hands shook as he attacked the button on his fly and franticallywrenched down his zipper. Then he shoved everything down as far as he could.

He had to touch it.

Reaching for his pelvis, he had a thought that this better not be a dream. This better notfuckingbe a dream—

“Ohhhhhhh, yeeeah…”

Nope, this was real. And shit was stiff enough to do the job. And he even had feeling in the damn thing—the friction registered and so did the lightning strike in his balls that came afterward.


As he glanced over, his wolven was tossing her bottoms away like they were on fire, and then she grabbed for him, yanking him off-balance—

Daniel went right back to where he’d been—except this time, there was nothing between them and he had something he could work with. He wasn’t even worried it wasn’t as stiff or as thick as it had been before. He was a miserable beggar who was not going to be choosy about this gift.

“I love you,” he said as he went for her mouth.

“Daniel, I love you, too—”

He true-north’d himself with his hand, and the instant her wet heat registered on the tip of his erection, he shook with anticipation. He was a virgin all over again, while also knowing what his woman liked and needed—the best of both worlds?

Sure as fuck was.

His hips knew exactly what their one job was, and before he could think of anything else, he thrust into her sex—

They both cried out, and he might have teared up a little. He didn’t know, he didn’t care. He was pumping now, deep and deeper still, in a rush, in a panic—because what if this ended—