Page 2 of Marco

"I'm someone who needs to be in Rome for a meeting that's more important than anything you've achieved in your entire pathetic life." He speaks calm and clearly, informing the demanding man of exactly where he belongs. He simplyisimportant, and his presence indicates he's used to people knowing that. "So sit yourself down, leave this attendant alone, and let us take off. Otherwise you'll have more to worry about than your cheap wine buzz."

I watch as the unruly customer stares up at the massive man, his mouth agape. He sits down. It's clear he's caught off guard by the sudden appearance of someone unafraid to stand up to him. My heart is racing with a mix of fear and admiration for this man who's come to my aid. I've never seen him before, and I can't help feeling grateful for his intervention.

The man turns to face me, his expression softening as he takes in my obvious distress. "Are you okay?" he asks, concern lacing his deep voice.

If I was taken aback by his sheer size, then I’m completely bowled over by his face. His eyes pierce into me like he can see into my soul. His jaw is square and proud, his hair a slick dark swoop. He holds his head back like a man with nothing to prove, while a subtle grin plays at the corner of his peach-colored lips. He’s the most handsome specimen of manhood I’ve ever laid eyes on. And I’ve seen my share, as a flight attendant.

I nod, gulping down the lump in my throat, grateful someone cares, especially someone like him. "Yes, thank you. I'm fine."

He nods, his eyes flickering back towards the customer. "Good. Your job is hard enough without this shameless, pathetic excuse for a man making it worse."

The pink-faced man blinks, his mouth gaping like a fish out of water. But before he can say anything, the big man leans forward, pressing into me. He smells heavenly––leather, freshly cut grass, and is that the ocean? Squeaking, the customer sits and faces the front, shrinking in his seat.

The big man turns to me again and the subtle grin has turned into an apologetic smile. "That's that, Ms..." he glances at my name tag. "Filia."

"Yeah. Uh, thanks again." I hesitate.

He must read my mind, because he grins wryly this time. "Marco.” For a moment his eyes wander the length of my body like he’s undressing me in his mind. His grin widens. “I should get back to my seat before we take off. I know how dangerous turbulence can be."

My heart races in my chest as I nod my head. "You listened to my safety instructions?"

"Of course. Only a fool would ignore tips to keep him alive." His voice is deep and soothing, and I can't help but feel a little comforted by it. “You’re a natural with that whistle.”

Oh god, oh no! He saw my fake make out session. Without thinking I run the back of my hand over my feverishly hot forehead. I’m so embarrassed I want to drop through the bottom of the aircraft and disappear somewhere in the baggage hold.

“Don’t worry,” he says, leaning in conspiratorially. “I don’t think anyone else saw.” He winks at me and I nearly drop dead on the spot.

“Th-thanks,” I murmur, flipping a loose strand of hair behind my ear and blinking up at him shyly.

I give him a small smile before turning to leave. As I start walking back towards the galley, I can feel his eyes on me. But they’re not the only ones. Drew is gawking, too. His mouth is agape. "What the hell was that?" he hisses.

Standing taller, I lift my chin, just like Marco does, and stand a little taller. "That was me doing my job. Go tell the captain we're ready for takeoff."

Drew is simmering with irritation. He really wanted to watch me flail and instead, I was rescued by a dashingly handsome stranger.Marco. Hm.I wonder if I'll get another chance to talk to him.

The flight to Romeisnine hours. A lot can happen in nine hours.

As I make my way back to the galley, I can't help but think about the man who just saved me. Marco. His deep voice echoes in my mind, and I can't shake the feeling of safety with him on my side. I felt protected, taken care of. . It's not often that I encounter a passenger who is willing to stand up for me, especially against someone as entitled and aggressive as the pink-faced man in First Class. I can't help wondering who Marco is and what he does for a living.

I also can’t stop thinking about the way his muscles looked in his fitted button-down or that wink!

As the flight takes off and the cabin lights dim, I busy myself with the tasks of serving passengers and ensuring their safety. But every now and then, I steal a glance towards First Class, hoping to catch a glimpse of Marco. I know it's silly, but I can't help it. There's just something about him that makes me want to know more.

When the first beverage service happens, I fidget with my cart. I'm assigned to Coach, but, maybe I can slip into First. Maybe Drew needs help there––he's slow, a little sloppy at times. He's also aggressively protective ofhisturf, which he's only assigned because he's got seniority.

"You okay, Filia?" Sally asks. She's standing on the other side of the drink cart. Her red hair is wrapped high on her head in a stylish braid I could never achieve, even if I watched a TikTok How To video on repeat for seven hours––something I may or may not have done once on a stop over in Prague..Fancy hair isn't for me. I keep my brunette strands in a low ponytail at the base of my neck.

"I'm fine," I say, double checking we have enough ice. "Just wondering if Drew would want some help in First Class."

Sally raises an eyebrow. "Really? You're trying to get closer to that muscle-bound hero?"

I flush, feeling embarrassed. "Drew told you." There's no way she'd witnessed it. "He's such a gossip."

Sally laughs, shaking her head. "Drew won't let you help in First. But maybe I can tag you in."

My interest is piqued. "How?"

"Follow me." She grabs a bottle of wine from under the cart. I hesitate, but curiously chase after her down the aisle. She reaches the curtain and pushes through, so do I. Drew is at the opposite end of the aisle from us. He's in the middle of serving a mimosa to an older woman. When he spots us, his smile melts into a scowl.