Page 55 of Captive Heart

Hades grits his teeth. “I think ye’ve done plenty, lass.”

I don’t have a snarky comeback for his words. So I just tug the blankets up against my chest and glare at him.

Then he tucks himself back in his pants, turns toward the warehouse door, and makes a beeline for the exit.

I stare after him, feeling dirty and trying to figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do now.



Itake a very, very long walk down the beautiful French coastline. It’s far too hot even though when I leave, the sun is already beginning to slip behind the distant horizon. I look out at the coast and instinctively turn away from the city, trudging along. It’s hard to keep pace with my thoughts, which whirl around my head, spiked and spiny and violent, their rhythm stochastic.

What the fuck did I just do?

I keep picturing Persephone's look of perfect surprise when I untied her and then hurried to the warehouse door. She looked truly crestfallen, or at least hurt somehow.

Knowing that I am the source of that pain doesn’t sit well with me in the least.

I put my head down and walk faster. Going for a run would be nice right now, but I don’t have tennis shoes or nylon shorts with me. So, I have to content myself with angrily walking down the shore, startling the occasional sea bird that gets too near me. I kick rocks with my heavy boots, and they spin and bounce against the sandy ground, often sinking into the ocean as I move past.

If only I hadn’t let a woman get so close to me… but it’s too late for that. Pretty little Persephone is in my head and under my fucking skin. My expression twists into a grimace.

A quarter of a mile down the rocky shoreline, I stop and stare out at the sea. It’s been windy since we arrived here, the sea restless. I understand that feeling all too well.

Perhaps the sea has made the same mistakes as I have. It’s possible that the mysterious body of water before me has many secrets, some of them less divine than others.

I fish my new phone out of my pocket and screw my face up. Dialing Eros’s number, I suck in a breath.

He answers right away.

“Hades! I was wondering where ye had gotten lost.”

“Eros,” I say, my voice gruff. “How are things going?”

There’s a moment’s pause as he presumably tries to decide just what I mean. “Things are progressing here. I just had a meeting with…” He pauses. “I would rather not get into it over the phone, where people can listen in. Let’s just say I had good news. Ye’ll be pleased.”

I grunt. “Hmm.”

Eros sighs. “Do ye have any idea who your visitors were back in Spain?”

“No. I have to think it was our American friend. But I didn’t wait around to find out.”

“I see.” There is a long pause. “How are things with the girl, Hades? Are ye having trouble managing her?”

I can feel my neck grow warm. “What? No.” I say it too fast though and my words don’t sound convincing at all. “I can’t wait until this job is over. That’s all.”

A few seconds of silence. “If she’s causing ye problems, brother, just say the word. We can switch our tasks.”

“I need ye right where ye are,” I say.

“No, ye need a person ye trust in this position. Ares and I fit that bill.”

My lips thin. “Those are the people I trust? It’s not a very long list.”

He gives a low chuckle of laughter. “Maybe instead of calling me, ye should be trying to expand that list. Ye know, ye could add Persephone to our members. Relax a little, have a drink together… maybe fuck the shit out of her.”

My jaw clenches. “Fuck off.”