Page 178 of Captive Heart

“Fuck,” he breathes. “Okay. We will be back at the air strip in twenty minutes. I will text the air crew to be ready for us.”

“Aye.” If I learned anything at all in my time in the military, I need to lay her down, keep her body temperature high, and keep her still. Swiftly moving her, I ignore her groan of displeasure.

“Shh, lass,” I tell her, keeping my tone even and melodic. Tucking the blanket around her, I try desperately not to let any of the fury building in my chest leak out where Persephone can see it. Just now, my role is her savior. I can cradle her and assure her that she’s safe while I carry her to safety.

Everything else, all the violent impulses that I have when I look at Persephone’s state?

It can wait.

Ares turns around in his seat for a moment, sparing Persephone a glance. His light eyes peer out from beneath hooded lids, but I can’t interpret any expression on his face. He gestures to me with his cell phone.

“The plane should be ready for us when we get there.”

I suck in a deep breath, trying to shift my focus forward. I’ve been hellbent on having this girl in my arms again for days. But for once in my goddamned life, I have no idea what is next. There’s no plan A, much less plans B and Constantine.

I’m a tiny canoe in a viciously swift current, unmoored and without a fucking paddle. Everything I’ve built my life around — the neat way I used being over prepared as a kind of weapon — it’s all scattered to the winds now.

I give Ares a nod, letting him know I heard his statement. Turning away, I stare out the window at the passing scenery.

I know that we will need some time to ourselves, to recover and plot our revenge. But where are we going to hide?

Penny turns in my arms. Her movement draws my eyes to her face again. Her eyes drift open, focusing on me.

She places a small hand on my chest, almost like she is reassuring me. The tenderness of the moment surprises me, makes my chest tighten.

I pick up her hand, kissing the palm. Her eyes bore into mine and I sense something passing between us, a nearly palpable fission.

“It’ll be okay,” she whispers. “Don’t look so angry, Hades.”

I kiss her hand again, doing my damndest to repress a shudder. “I can see that ye’re tired. Go to sleep, Penny.”

Her eyelids droop as she nods her head, turning it to furrow against my chest.


I glance up at my brother in the front seat, irritated that he should intrude on such a moment. “What?”

He shoves a hand through his chin-length brown curls. “I have an idea.” His expression tightens. “You’re not gonna like it though.”

“Well?” If I didn’t have Persephone in my arms, I would probably lean forward and give him a healthy shove. “Out with it.”

“Ye should take Persephone to ground in Whitewraithe.”

My entire body goes rigid. My face goes red, and I glare at Ares.

One word - Whitewraithe - has me on the edge of throwing a fit. My brother has just name dropped the one town that I wouldn’t ever dream of going.

“Why in the fuck would I go there?”

Penny opens her eyes, pushing against my chest to sit up against me. Before I can tell her to go back to sleep, she places a quelling hand against my chest.

“Where is this place? What’s it called? White… thwart?”

Ares jumps in to answer her question. “It’s the manor house that took in our Ma after she left us. So it’s still in Scotland, but only just.”

My jaw clenches. “You mean they fucking sheltered our coward of a mother after she vanished from our lives.”

“Which means that Whitewraithe is nothing if not discreet. It’s shrouded in mist and secrets. And it happens to be owned by our uncle.”