Page 121 of Captive Heart

My eyebrows leap up. “Your mother is alive?”

He nods, squinting off toward the window. “Aye. At least, she was. I had a private investigator look into her life about ten years ago. I never pushed to know more cause… ye know, why would I? But I think that now, with everything…”

I grab his hand, pulling it to my heart.

“I would love to visit your mom.”

Hades holds up a hand. “Easy, now. I’m only suggesting it because it’s someplace that I’ve told my brothers that I never want to go. As far as actually seeing Ma…” He trails off and then shrugs. “Let’s just make sure that we’re somewhere hidden first.”

And then, Hades will have to deal with the fact that he’s about to share a world where his baby girl will live.

My lips twitch. “Okay. One thing at a time.”

The loud growl of my stomach interrupts us. Hades pulls a face but then scoots away, helping me up. “Come on. Let’s feed ye.”



My text messages from Eros tell their own story quite elegantly.

Where are you???

Hades, what the fuck?


Hades, you fucking bastard. If this is a joke, it’s not funny.

There is a pause that lasts almost an entire day.


Just talked with Ares. He says something happened with Persephone. But he’s being evasive. I think it has to do with why you’re not answering messages…

Silently heaving a sigh, I tuck my phone safely in the inner pocket of my coat. I’m not exactly sure how I should respond to Eros or even if I will at all. It’s unclear if he knew about Ares’ little plan. And until I determine that, I have to protect Penny first.

My arms and legs are cramped from hours spent in the close confines of this little plane. The pilot and the cockpit are only separated from the single row of passenger seats by a flimsy partial wall. Immediately behind my body, I can feel what little luggage we brought pressing against the back of my seat. The rumble of the engines is uncomfortably close, a constant reminder of just how close we are to falling out of the sky and plunging to our deaths.

Penny seems to not notice. Most of the flights, she’s spent asleep or drowsy.

The pilot of our little prop plane turns his head toward me, shouting through the gap in the wall. “We should be on the runway in fifteen minutes or less!”

I nod. My phone chimes again and I ignore it. There are other factors holding my attention just now, like the not insignificant challenge of getting myself and Penny off of the grid and up to Norway to begin with.

My phone chimes and I grit my teeth. The only reason I even still have a phone is that my phone sends anyone trying to track it on a wild goose chase of seemingly random phone numbers that rotate every few seconds as they are being tracked.

Silencing the phone, I turn to my right. Persephone is asleep in the seat beside me, mouth open slightly, raven hair askew.

I touch her arm gently and she jerks awake, eyes opening wide. “What’s happening?”

I purse my lips. “We’re finally going to land.”

She sits up, touching her hair and blinking sleepily. “We’ve been on planes for the better part of the last twenty four hours, Hades. I really want to leave this plane and never look at another teeny tiny flying vessel.” She pulls a face. “Being trapped in this tiny tincan has made me feel sick since we first took off.”

“What? You’re not feeling well?”

She shakes her head but doesn’t delve into the subject. I give her a shrug.