Page 201 of Captive Heart

I glance back at my brother, my gaze narrowing. “That was fast.”

He shrugs a single shoulder. “She was ready to get out the door.”

I snort derisively. “I bet.”

My hands have stopped shaking as I pour the second drink. My brother, for all his faults, often provides the needed distraction at times like this.

I hand him the glass of scotch and walk to the other side of the room, sinking into my favorite chair. “I can’t believe that she just showed up here, expecting…” I trail off for a second. “I don’t actually know what she expected, honestly.”

Lucas loosens his tie as he sits down on a black velvet and teakwood chair. “She expected to become Mrs. Fordham, I think. She said that she thought you liked her.”

I wave a hand. “I’m done talking about her. Tell me what you found out today.”

His expression hardens. “You should really be in the meetings with Omni, Calum. The CEO Jack Schwartz asked where you were and when he would meet you.”

I push my cheek out with my tongue. “I’m trying to acquire his business and make him a rich bastard. He should be grateful, not asking questions.”

“Well, he’s still asking. Apparently he is quite religious and he’s very concerned about selling to a degenerate. He actually gave me a whole lecture about how most billionaires get their money from unscrupulous sources and spend it on ungodly things. He really seemed focused on that.”

“I fail to see how that has anything to do with me.”

“Well, he asked why you aren’t married. He said that he’s skeptical that you two share the same vision, being that you haven’t ever married.” He scrunches up one side of his face. “I got the distinct impression that he was trying to make sure that you aren’t gay.”

I let out a surprised half laugh. “So what if I was?”

My brother steeples his fingers. “I think it would be a no-go.”

“That’s disgusting. If he didn’t invent this new type of block chain cryptocurrency, I would tell him to fuck off.” I lean forward, jabbing a finger into the dark wood of the coffee table. “I want that company, Lucas.”

He holds up a hand. “I would argue that you need his company to develop IndicaTech any further.”

I glare at him. “I don’t needanyoneoutside of this room, Lucas.”

He rolls his eyes. “Well, I have a bit of good news. It turns out that you and Jack have something in common.” His lips curve upward. “His young daughter is heavily involved with ballet. He supports the New York Ballet, among other companies. From what I’ve found out, he is second only to you in terms of his patronage to their cause.”

That gives me pause. I came from the world of ballet, back before I was a businessman. “That’s… interesting,” I allow.

“That’s a way in,” he says. “Use your mutual love of the ballet to your advantage.”

I suck in a breath, thinking. “It would put me closer to Honor.”

“I saw that the New York Ballet is going to do Sleeping Beauty in the spring. Maybe they need some sort of hands-on help.”

I purse my lips. “Honor doesn’t like that ballet, the last time I checked. She had her heart set on playing Giselle in the spring.”

He rolls his eyes at me. “Honor this, Honor that. Look, the prima at the New York Ballet has never even looked your way, brother. Just because you are the primary source is financial support for the ballet doesn’t mean Honor is going to sleep with you.”

“I’m not expecting her to,” I growl.

Lucas purses his lips and gives me a droll look. “It’s obvious enough that you are expecting that, Calum. You should forget her. As I’ve said before, you should be focusing on someone else.” He draws in a breath, shaking his head. “Anyone else. One of the long list of ladies that you are plowing your way through.”

My expression tightens a fraction. “I’m only twenty nine, Lucas. How many other men do you know that have risen from nothing to cradle the world in the palm of their hand?”

He sips the scotch, rising to his feet. “That’s not really the point, is it?”

“That’s exactly the point.” I scowl at him. “Where are you off to?”

He places his glass on the bar cart, cracking his knuckles. He hesitates for the slightest moment before folding his arms across his chest. “I’m on my way to drop some necessities off for Anita. Her nursing home called me and asked for a list of things.”