Page 116 of The Game Changer

“It hurts.” Her voice is barely audible, her skin paling as she grips her legs and deals with what looks like a wave of agony.

I swear my heart is cracking right open and bleeding along with her. I can’t handle this shit. Watching her suffer is killing me.

I want to tell her it’s okay, but it’s not. I won’t be the fucking moron making empty promises when I have no idea how to stop this. How to help her.

Yes, you do! Get her to a hospital!

“I can do that,” I whisper under my breath.

The pain that was torturing her a second ago seems to be passing, the grip on her legs relaxing, and I take my chance.

“I’m gonna pick you up, okay? I’m gonna take you to the hospital.”

She nods, sort of, and I scramble forward, gently wriggling my fingers beneath her legs and ignoring the wet moisture soaking into my arm when I stand. Her body flops against me, her red hair splayed over my shoulder as I back up toward the door.

Blood is smeared on the tiles where she was lying, and I spin away from it, trying not to freak out as I carry her into the crowded hallway.

“Move!” I yell to the nosy, useless people who are only after the gossip and drama. I should smile at the few who have been helpful, like the woman still talking to the operator on the phone, but then Caroline lets out a pitiful-sounding whine, her hand landing on her stomach as she squirms in my arms. She’s getting another wave of pain.

“I’ve got you, baby. It’s okay. I’ve got you,” I murmur against her forehead as I turn sideways and navigate my way through the crowd.

They’re shuffling aside for me but all wanting a look at the same time.

Fuck. I should have tried to cover Caroline up with my jacket or something. I hate to think what people are gonna say. The rumors will balloon into some huge story that she doesn’t need right now.

The main doors to the Humanities building fly open, and two guys from campus security charge in. The second they spot me, their eyes round with surprise.

“She’s pregnant and bleeding! I need to get her to the hospital!” I’m yelling for the whole fucking world to hear right now, but it gets me the results I want.

One of them opens the door wide for me to pass through while the other starts talking into his radio.

I don’t really register what he’s saying, because the second we’re outside, I spot Asher’s truck pulling up along the curb, and I make a beeline for the back seat. Ethan jumps out the passenger door and yanks it open for me.

The horrified look on his face tells me how bad Caroline must look right now.


The thought that I might lose her rockets through me for a second.

Maybe it’s overly dramatic, I don’t fucking know, but I’m feeling it, and I can’t breathe as I slide into the back seat of Asher’s car and bark, “Go! Fucking floor it!”



The car jolts, then takes off, and I’m pushed into Casey’s chest.

He’s freaking out right now, his breaths punchy, his hand shaking as he smooths it down my face and checks on me. The fear in his eyes makes them shine brighter than I’ve ever seen them, and I want to tell him that everything will be okay, but I seriously don’t know if it will be.

I have never felt this awful before.

I’ve never been in this much pain.

Another whimper builds in my chest, and I feel my face bunching.

“Just hold on, baby. Hold on. I’ve got you.” Casey’s whispering the words on repeat.

“I want my mom.” The request makes me sound like a five-year-old, but I don’t care.