Page 101 of The Game Changer

“But you’re gonna be fine. We’ll be here every step of the way. We’ll help you raise our grandchild. We’ll get you through the rest of college. This is all going to work out.”

I rub my hand over my belly. “So, you think I should keep it?”

They both jolt in surprise, like any other option is ludicrous.

Mom’s expression crumples. “I think you’ll regret it if you don’t. I think your birth mother, wherever she may be, still thinks about you. She still misses you and wonders how you’re doing, even if she wishes she didn’t. I don’t want that for you.”

“But I can’t raise a baby, Mom. I’m just a kid.”

She sighs and starts to nod, then shakes her head. “You’re old enough to drink and sleep around, which means you’re old enough to live with the consequences of those choices.”

“But I used protection,” I squeak. “I was responsible.”

Dad clears his throat, clenching his jaw against whatever remark he’s obviously fighting not to say.

He and Mom share a look that I don’t want to decipher before she turns back to me. “You can do this, Caroline. You’re kind and loving, and when you hold this baby in your arms, it’s…” She shakes her head, a look of wonder filling her expression. “It’s instinctual. Everything in you will want to hold and protect that little child and do your very best. You’ll love your son or daughter with everything you’ve got.”

I’m not sure I believe her. I mean, sure, I could love a baby, but could I honestly give it the best shot at life? The shot it deserves?

“We’ll be with you every step of the way, Cinnamon.” Dad steps forward, cupping my cheek. His brown eyes fill with tender affection. “I’m gonna be a grandpa.”

I let out a watery laugh. His face is so cute right now. I can’t stop the tears as they stream down my face.

“This wasn’t the plan.” I shake my head.

“Life has a funny way of throwing us the unexpected. But it’ll be for a reason. I believe that.” He nods. “This child might feel like an inconvenience right now, but it’s going to fill your life with so much joy.”

“And I know things are complicated with the father issue.” Mom blinks, struggling to say the words. “But you’re gonna figure that out, too, and whether that person wants to be involved or not, you at least know that your baby’s going to have a steady home with us and you. It’ll get all the love it needs.”

I nod, appreciating her kindness but still feeling the pain ride through me.

I want Casey.

I want him to be there, to be part of this.

I want him to be the dad.

But what if he’s not?

I’ll never see him again. The thought breaks my heart. I’m so in love with him, and I thought, just for a moment, that maybe he was falling for me too. That maybe I was enough. He wanted me just because I was me. We’d gotten so close.

And then Ben came along and ruined everything.

But it’s not his fault.

It’s mine.

I could have told the truth so many different times, and I didn’t.

Now I’ve lost Casey.

And I’ll probably never get him back. But if I have even a shred of hope that he’ll let me talk to him again, I’m going to have to get that paternity test.



It’s been a week since we lost that quarterfinal game.