Page 65 of That Night in Texas

Of course, he would. She didn’t have any doubt about that. Vivi crossed her legs, rested her hands in her lap and cocked her head. She waited a beat and a tense silence filled the room. Cam stood up straighter and she knew that he was wondering whether he was going to be rejected again. She couldn’t let him think that, but she had a few things she had to say first. She took a deep breath and tried to smile.

“You’re not that controlling, Cam. I’m just ultrasensitive to it because I was controlled and bullied. Sorry to be the one to inform you of this, but I think you are pretty normal for an alpha male with a wide, protective streak. I’m not saying I won’t rebel, but I’ll try and tone down my instincts. I don’t need your money or your gifts. Having you in my life is enough. I absolutely know you will be a good dad to Clem, and our other children, because you are already a good dad.”

Was that a glint of moisture she saw in his eyes? Vivi felt her throat tighten and told herself that she couldn’t cry. But one tear broke free and then another. She tossed her head and blinked, holding up her hand when Cam stepped her way. “Stay there. Not done.”

She wiped away the tears with the balls of her hands, and when she looked at Cam again, she managed a wobbly smile. “One more thing...”

How was she going to say this without bawling? How could she tell him everything that was in her heart, share her deepest conviction? She just had to blurt it out.

“You don’t have to be a better man, Cam, because you already are pretty damn spectacular. I am in awe of what you’ve done, how far you’ve come. I admire you and respect the hell out of you.” Vivi released a wobbly laugh. “I’m so in love with you, McNeal.”

“Aw, baby...”

Then Cam was in front of her, lifting her out of her chair and holding her to him. Somehow Vivi found herself in his lap, her fragile wooden chair creaking under their combined weight. The chair could break, the floor could open up and swallow them, and she wouldn’t care. Cam was with her and her life finally made sense.

She didn’t need him to say the words. He’d shown her that he loved her by opening up, by coming here, by exposing himself. The words would come.

Cam placed his hand on her cheek and tipped her face to look at him. She smiled as she stepped into the happiness that radiated from his eyes. They’d be okay, today, tomorrow, forever. She knew this. She did.

“Vivianne, I didn’t want to fall in love or be with anyone. I didn’t want to need anyone. I wanted to skim through life. Every rule I made for myself, every promise I made to keep myself apart and safe, I’ve broken. For you.” Cam touched his lips to Vivi’s cheek, held himself there. “I love you so damn much.”

There. Finally. Vivi felt the last ice cube of resistance in her melt, felt herself sink into him. More tears slipped down her face and Cam kissed them away.

“Don’t cry. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

Vivi shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his strong, warm neck. “Hold me, Cam.”

Cam’s hands ran up and down her back. “I am. I will. You’re pretty much stuck with me for the next sixty years or so.”

Vivi sniffed and then laughed. She pulled her head back to see his tender smile, his soft eyes. “Does that comment come with a ring?”

“Maybe.” He rolled his eyes and grinned. “God, who am I kidding? Of course it does, I can’t wait to make you my wife.” Cam’s thumb drifted over her bottom lip. “Can I kiss you now? ’Cause I’m so much better at show than tell.”

“I don’t know about that. Your tell was pretty damn good. But sure,” she said, placing her lips a fraction from his, “kiss away.”

“Thank God,” Cam muttered before doing exactly that.

And best of all, they got to do all of that and more. Much more. For the rest of the night. And for the rest of their lives.

* * *

What does Angela discover about Ryder’s relationship with her mother when she visits the ranch?

Is he telling her the truth?

Find out in the next installment of Texas Cattleman’s Club: Houston