Page 60 of That Night in Texas

He couldn’t let her leave, not without making some sort of effort to convince her to stay. Yet he knew that she might be asking for something he couldn’t give. “I can try, Viv.”

Viv tried to smile but didn’t manage to pull it off. “This isn’t about trying, Cam, I need action. There’s no room for negotiation on this deal, McNeal. It’s all or nothing.”

He was still trying to make sense of her words, trying to wrap his head around the fact that she was leaving, when she dropped a kiss on his temple, her hand drifting across his hair. “You know where to find me, Cam. But make damn sure I am what, who, you want.”


It’s late but I’m known for working longer and harder than many. But it’s been many minutes since I looked at my monitor and gave any attention to the papers on my desk.

It’s far more fun to remember every delicious detail of this afternoon’s Texas Cattleman’s Club drama. In the battle for control of the TCC, Sterling definitely won that round.

I’ve only ever allowed people to see what I allow them to, so I doubt anybody picked up how closely I observed the unfolding events. I noticed Ryder Currin’s annoyance when he arrived at Perry headquarters, and as usual, Sterling got his back up when Ryder walked in. Two cocks fighting over the prize of the TCC, each thinking that the other is their greatest threat, completely oblivious that neither of them will win.

I will.

By the time I am done with them both, everything they value will be destroyed. I will make sure of that. I’ve killed once. I’m not afraid to do it again.

People will remember that I was at the meeting, but nobody will connect me with the demise of the two powerful families. Because I smile and pour on the charm. I can do that as easily as I can manipulate, scheme, plot and plan. The duality of my personality doesn’t worry me. I am what I am and nothing is more important than seeing these two men taken down a peg or two.

Or five hundred.

I held many conversations with many people—all boring—while keeping an eye on Sterling. Because I pay close attention I immediately noticed the curl of his lip when something displeased him. Because I know him, I immediately noticed his stiff back, his clenched fist. I followed his gaze across the room and yeah, there was drama.

Ryder and Angela stood in the far corner, and since their profiles were closer to me, I saw their tense exchange. Because I’m not a complete idiot, I quickly clocked the sexual tension bouncing between them. It was so obvious they want to see each other naked, as soon as possible. I flipped my gaze to Sterling and grinned. He’d also realized that Ryder and Angela weren’t having a conversation about the weather.

Sterling, never shy, headed their way to confront this newest threat to the status quo and I couldn’t help laughing at the fact that a fox was in Sterling’s henhouse and, by God, he was determined to shoot it.

* * *

The terrible twos should come with a box of aspirin and a complimentary bottle of wine. A magical unicorn and a constant supply of chocolate wouldn’t go amiss, either.

Vivi looked down at Clem, now back in her own bed in their house in Briarhills and wondered if she dared leave the room. Clem looked asleep but the last three times she’d attempted to leave the room, Clem’s eyes had popped open and high-pitched screaming had left her mouth.

Vivi was done. Physically, emotionally, mentally. She wanted a break.

Oh, who was she kidding? She wanted Cam. She wanted to hand her blaring daughter off to him and have him calm her down, because Vivi knew that the person Clem really wanted, the adult she missed at the end of the day, was her father. Her baby daughter, unable to articulate her frustration, was missing Cam. Vivi could relate because she was feeling the exact same way.

It had been nearly three days since she walked out of Cam’s house. And while she remained convinced she’d done the right thing, she still wanted to fall asleep in his arms, wake up to his kisses, hear his deep voice laughing and talking with her and Clem. But as much as she wanted to drive her replacement car across town—the very basic sedan she’d rented on her own—she forced herself to stay put. She’d told Cam what she wanted. Now the ball was very much in his court.