Page 24 of That Night in Texas

“Mr. Currin, this way, please,” Angela stated, happy to hear her voice sounded normal.

Ryder half smiled as his big stride ate up the space between them and Angela wished that she could step into his arms, lift her mouth for a kiss. She wanted this man, craved him with a passion that would make her father pop a vein.

“Can I help you?” Angela said, holding her hand out for him to shake. Ryder surprised her when he took her hand and dropped a kiss on her cheek. She inhaled his soap-and-sex scent and her head swam.


Ryder pulled her into the quieter hallway and his big hand cupped the side of her jaw. “I wanted to talk to Sterling but thought I’d also check in on you. We had a pretty intense conversation about the past when we were together at the shelter.”

Yeah, that conversation. The one where he told her that, contrary to what she’d always believed, he and her mother had never been anything but friends. Angela still wasn’t sure whether she believed him or not. Oh, God, she wanted to, but a niggle of doubt remained. Okay, maybe more than a niggle.

“Why are you here, Ryder?” Angela asked, stepping back. “Oh, right, you want me to deliver a message to my father.”

Ryder shook his head. “I’m more than capable of delivering my own messages to Sterling.” He lifted a big shoulder and Angela wondered how his skin would feel, whether he’d taste as gorgeous as he looked. Down, girl.

“I just wanted to see you.”

“There are these amazing things called phones and email.” Angela pointed out, annoyed to hear that she was sounding breathless.

“Yeah, but that way I can’t see you, smell you—” his voice turned rough, sexier “—kiss you.”

Later she’d wonder what propelled her to act so out of character, to step up to him, to place her hands on his rough-with-stubble jaw and stand on her tiptoes to align her mouth with his. She felt his hands tighten on her biceps, and then his lips were under hers. Heat, lust and need shimmied over her and her tongue slipped between his open lips and into his mouth. God, he tasted like chocolate-covered sin. How had she lived for so long without kissing Ryder Currin?

She felt his hesitation, heard his silent “to hell with it” and then he took control of their kiss. His strong arm wound around her waist, pulling her up against his chest—and it was as hard as she’d imagined. He kissed her with assurance and confidence, like he knew exactly what she needed and how to give it to her. Angela teetered on her high heels but Ryder just tightened his grip on her.

“I’ve got you,” he murmured against her open mouth. He hesitated, shrugged and dipped down again, and dialed the kiss up to hot and then to insane.


Angela heard the feminine giggle and the masculine snort of laughter and yanked her mouth off Ryder’s. She rested her forehead on his collarbone and tried to get her breathing under control. Dammit. The news that she’d kissed Ryder Currin—if such a tame word could be used to describe what they’d just done—would be all over the building in five minutes flat. God, she prayed that no one had the balls to tell her father.

Ryder’s big hand skimmed down her back and rested on her hip. “I should go.”

Angela nodded but didn’t move. “Yeah.”

Ryder’s hand moved up and under her hair and he gripped the back of her neck. “This attraction between us is so damn unexpected.”

Yeah. Unexpected and inconvenient. And messy. And liable to blow up in their faces.

But, Angela decided as she watched Ryder walk away from her, it was also the most excitement she’d had in forever.

* * *

TCC business and Ryder forgotten as he sat in his car, Cam banged his head against the headrest. He was attracted to Vivi’s face and body, but he was also intrigued by her resilience, her strong spirit and her innate intelligence. Physical attraction was easy to ignore; mental attraction was hugely problematic. He didn’t want to become emotionally entangled with Vivi. He couldn’t afford the distraction. He needed to focus on his company, his career, on becoming the success he wanted to be.

You are already successful, he heard Ryder’s voice say in his head. How much money is enough? When are you going to be satisfied with how far you’ve come and finally be proud of your achievements?