Sebastian and I ran into each other a handful of times after that, my awareness of him growing with each encounter.
I was starting to overheat just thinking about it.
Let’s change the subject.
"Tell me how you got into cyber security. Did you major in it in college?"
A shadow crossed his face, but before I could pry, he shook his head. "I took all the computer engineering classes I could when I was in middle school and high school. Let's just say it made me very appealing to the admissions office."
"You learned your skills that young?"
Sebastian waited for me to catch up with him, so we were now walking side by side. "I was raised by a single mom. Things were tough growing up. She was always working, always tired, and there were some nights where she wasn't sure where our next meal would come from."
I tried to process what that must have been like for him. Strong, sturdy Sebastian as a young boy, hungry. I had no idea.
"I spent lunch in the library because the librarian would sneak me protein bars to make sure I ate enough. It took a lot of food to fuel this body. I would spend lunches and time after school researching lucrative professions. So I learned coding and computers and studied as much as I could."
My respect for Sebastian grew with every new morsel of information he dared to share with me. I had a feeling that he didn't share this easily.
"I started Steele Cyber Security my senior year of college. Your brother actually helped connect me with a few of my initial clients. Insisted on it, really. Even after I told him not to."
His mouth twitched. "You know how your brother is."
"Bossy as a bulldozer? Uh, yeah, I'm aware."
The path leveled out and I couldn't have been more grateful. I'd noticed it curving back toward the main house. Thank goodness.
"Well, it made a difference. Every decision, every person you meet at the beginning makes an impact. I wouldn't have gotten the jump start of my career if he hadn't vouched for me. Your brother's voice held a lot of weight, even back in college."
"He wouldn't have vouched for you if you didn't have the talent to back it up."
He studied me for a second. "Well, it helped launch me. One client became two, became a dozen. And now I have a steady roster of clients."
"And now you need to add Harrison Barnes to that roster? Why go through all the trouble if you can get other clients? What makes him special?"
At first I didn't think he'd answer me.
"He's a whale of a client. He has a lot of money and influence and can help serve as a gateway to Europe."
"Big whoop. I've overheard you and my brother talking. Your net worth is creeping up towards his. If I'm not mistaken, and it's not completely gauche, I'm pretty sure you're part of the billionaire set.”
Sebastian picked up his pace, and I struggled to keep up.
"What makes him so different? Hell, if I were you I'd just take the clients I wanted. Be super picky." Why the hell did he think he needed to bend for someone? Barnes might be a whale, but he'd already established himself. What more did he need to do? What was he holding back?
I started to move faster, not paying attention to my surroundings when I stumbled on a rogue root. Sebastian reached out and caught me before I could add a broken nose to my already black eye. My heart shuddered against my ribcage as the surprise of the fall caught up with me and because he held me close, our faces just inches apart.
"Thanks," I whispered to Sebastian.
He gave a sharp nod, his grasp tightening before he released me. "We're almost back to the house. We should keep moving and get back to our work."
"I'll take care of it immediately," the man said on the other end of the line.