It’s easy.

She went toward the drinks table. There was one bottle with several glasses. She turned one over, opened the fancy liquor bottle, and poured herself a modest glass. Tamsin was a little shocked by the lack of shaking in her hands.

Putting the lid back onto the bottle, she picked up the glass and then moved as far away from the desk as possible, and started to look out across the backyard. She couldn’t help but wonder if Mason had been like other boys. Maybe even similar to her brothers.

All her brothers had to handle their responsibilities being Denton men, but there were times their father would still allow them to go out into the yard to play. They were always few and far between, but it did happen.

Tipping the glass back, she took a long swig and tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.I can do this.She hoped if she kept repeating that same mantra, she might start to believe it.

All she had to do was kill Paul Savonas and locate Candice Delcoties, and hopefully, everything would be a piece of cake. Oh, and she also had to find a way to make sure she could get hold of the knife that she had hidden in her purse, which he’d taken off her, and placed on one of the seats.

She took another sip of the drink. It was so horrible, but she was able to hide her hatred of the drink. Courage. That was what she was building on. Another little sip.

“Well, well, well, I have to say I’m surprised,” Paul Savonas’s voice echoed around the room.

Tamsin struggled with her natural fight-or-flight response. She was tempted to throw the glass at him and just make a run for it. Instead, she stood her ground and turned toward him.

Forcing a smile to her lips, she held the glass up. “I helped myself, I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, by all means, I’m pretty sure I can find a reasonable way for you to pay me.”

She wanted to cringe, but all she did was force a smile to her face. “Do you make all of the women in your life pay for the simplest of needs?”

Paul laughed. “Ah, you’re a girl after my own heart. You believe the finest whiskey is a simple need?”

She noticed how he called her a girl. Tamsin wasn’t a girl, but if that was what he needed her to be right now, she would take it. Anything to distract him. She had already noticed his gaze move up and down her body, and she hated it.

Think about Mason.

Think about your brothers.

Think about David.

Think about all those people you can save.

It helped.

“What would you call a simple need?” Tamsin asked, trying to flirt.

Don’t be sick. You can handle this.

She had dealt with six meddling brothers, seven if she counted Gabriel, but he’d not been there through her earliest of years. Landon had been the one to put a frog in her bed. Jacob and Abel had tickled her until she nearly peed herself. Gideon and Damon had locked her in the cupboard under the stairs and told her ghost stories. She’d handled her share of men. She could deal with this man.

They were your brothers. They were nothing like this man. None of them wanted anything from you.

“There are many things I think are a necessity, like your dress,” Paul said. “It is stunning.”

She turned toward him and then gave a little twirl, doing so slowly. “Ah, you really think so? I wasn’t sure if this was a good dress.”

“It’s glorious,” Paul said. “Come a little closer and I can have a proper look.”

I can do this.

She stepped toward him. Every single part of her was screaming to get as far away from him as possible. She had run away from home for fear of him. Started a whole new life away from everything because of this man. Mason had nothing to do with it, but this man disgusted her, and she hated him with a passion.

Pushing all of it to one side, she focused on him and closed the distance between them. Paul reached for her glass, and she was tempted to fight him on it, only he pulled it from her grip. Now she had nothing between them.

He looked at her, and then he let out a low moan. “You know, you’re beautiful now, but two years ago, you were even more stunning.” He put his hand on her hip and Tamsin did her best to control her body’s reaction, but she wasn’t good at it.