“There is some good news,” Connor said.

Now, this did make Mason turn.

“Good news? I thought you were only interested in bringing me bad news.”

Connor and Reese looked at each other and Mason stopped and took a breath. “Just tell me,” he said.

His attention had already been pulled away from the beauty outside. He may as well get down to business now that his brothers were here.

“We don’t know if it’s good news or bad news. More like…” Connor stopped and turned to Reese.

“It’s news based on rumors. On whispers,” Reese said.

Mason wanted to roll his eyes. The whispers were no good.

“Dad has increased his protection, which is why I’m even telling you about this,” Connor said.

Now, he was intrigued. “Dad never acts unless there is some truth to it.”

“Exactly,” Connor said. “So, rumor has it that the Delcoties have pulled out of a potential trade.”

The Delcoties were a powerful Mafia family. They controlled borders, politicians, and were rumored to have a large Mafia control. Of course, this was all rumor and no one could ever guarantee it was true.

Unlike the Dentons, who reveled in their lives and kept it close, the Delcoties were secretive. Anyone with any potential information often ended up dead. It never ended well for any of them.

Mason had never met anyone who had officially worked for or with the Delcoties. He knew his father was close friends with the head of the family, Albert, he believed his name was.

“What trade?” Mason asked.

Connor and Reese shared another look that spoke volumes, but Mason wasn’t interested in the sidelong glances. He wanted the truth. “Just spit it out.”

When it came to the matters of their father, he had lost patience.

Paul Savonas was unpredictable, a danger, and a threat. Mason had no choice but to consider him all three of those things, and he would do anything to protect Tamsin, which was a little strange. Mason never cared about women. He’d enjoyed the pleasure of them, but not in the last two years. Yet, he had been faithful to Tamsin, which was a shock to him, because he never planned to be. Women had thrown themselves at him, and he refused them.

“There might be a chance that Dad was found with a young woman, a much younger woman, more like a girl, and the Delcoties don’t agree with his inclination for young girls.”

Mason pressed his lips together. They had known about Paul’s predilection toward young girls. Each had tried to save many of the young ones that had caught their father’s eye.

Even though they had saved a few, they had never actually seen him with any young girls. Paul was clever when it came to hiding his weaknesses. Mason would have exploited the chance to take over.

“Organize a meeting with Albert,” Mason said.

This might be the one chance he’d been waiting for. He turned back toward the window to look at his wife. The one chance he might have at finally saving her and giving her everything he promised.

Chapter Two

It felt good to have the sun beaming down on her face. She loved the warmth and she took several deep breaths. Moments like this she couldn’t help but drift off into memories, most of her time being Tanya Davis. A few of them with Landon when it came to pass that her father wanted to sell her like a piece of meat.

She didn’t even want to think about her father. There were times she couldn’t help but hate him, and it was with a passion of fiery hatred. Other times, she remembered when he was on top of the world. When he wasn’t trying to gain more power and wealth, he’d been an amazing dad.

One Christmas morning, he built up her dollhouse, including all the stickers, they spent hours on it, even plotting through dinner. She would sit on her father’s knee through movies, and he’d kiss the top of her head. At night, if she had a nightmare and was terrified to go to the bathroom, or even go back to her room, he’d be the one to scoop her up and take her to the bathroom. He’d pretend he was looking for monsters. Then, he’d take her back to bed, sit and read to her, and promise to be there in the morning. He always was.

He hadn’t always been a bad father, and because of that, there were times she did miss him. She didn’t blame Landon, nor did she hate him for killing him. The father she remembered was not the same man he’d become.

The dad that sat by her bedside for hours, reading to her and making sure the monsters didn’t get her, wasn’t the same man who killed Landon’s woman. Not the man she remembered. Not the man who dressed her up like a whore at fifteen to sell her off to the Savonases … to have a man the same age as him drooling after her.

“Do you mind if I join you?”