“But you’re not giving them the time of day.”
“You know, you’re supposed to be the one taking my side,” Tamsin said, and within minutes of talking to her brother, she suddenly felt like a little girl again.
She pressed fingers to her temple and tried not to get angry.
“I am on your side, honey. Don’t you see that? I know that while I am here, I cannot be there to help you.”
“There is nothing for you to do. There is no point in you risking your life to try and help me.” She didn’t want Landon to ruin his life. Not for her. Not for anyone.
“Exactly. You don’t want me to help you, and I can’t help you from here. But I’m not the only one around. You’ve got Jacob, Abel, Oliver, Gideon, Damon, and even Gabriel and his two brothers. Not to mention their wives, and there is also Jade as well. If you reach out to her, she’ll help you.”
Jade Castillo had been on the run with Landon. They were supposed to become a couple, but instead they had become partners in crime. Landon had beenkilled, and she didn’t know exactly what was going on with Jade and her family. She had focused on her problem with Mason and the Savonases.
“Can we not talk about me, and instead talk about you?” she asked, wanting that a lot more.
“I know you think our brothers don’t care, but trust me, they do.”
Tamsin sighed. “They only ever saw me as a child.”
“You’re always going to be our kid sister, Tamsin. Marriage and shit happening is not going to change that. I don’t for a second believe they are happy with you being distant from them. Jacob helped you, and he could have left you alone to suffer at the hands of Paul Savonas. He didn’t, and that has to account for something.”
“You know, I think I liked you a lot better when you were on my team and hating them.”
“Hatred is not a good thing.”
Tamsin frowned. “I don’t for a second believe you’re who you say you are.”
She heard Landon sigh. “I know what you mean, and to a point, I’m shocked by how differently I feel. I’m not going to lie to you, Tamsin, it is a little scary. I’m not used to feeling this way about anything, yet here I am. I’m not angry anymore. I’m not … anything other than at peace, and I guess, in time, I’m hoping you will feel the same way.”
Peace. It seemed like such a foreign concept to her.
Was there any chance of her ever feeling that way about her situation?
Mason was angry. No,angrywas too mild of a word, he was fucking livid. He was trying to stop an all-out war from breaking out with the Delcoties, and his father had stolen one of their nieces, a young girl, and locked her up somewhere.
Albert was ready to murder.
At first, Mason had argued that his father wouldn’t be that stupid, but with the evidence Albert had, there was no denying what his father was doing.
“I don’t know what the meaning is behind this, but I don’t accept it,” Albert said.
“Don’t!” Mason already had a hand on his gun, ready to kill the leader of the Delcoties if he for a second even thought of killing him.
Albert glared at him. “I was reaching for my checkbook. Candice needs to come home, safely, and in one piece.”
“Why?” Mason asked.
“She is my niece.”
Mason ran a hand down his face. The niece, Candice, had been taken two days ago. His father had been dancing with Tamsin just last night, making claims that he would put a baby inside her if Mason couldn’t. All the time, clearly looking smug, as he had taken something from the Delcoties.
“You have got to have more than that,” Mason said. “I know you trade your women for more power, making alliances with everyone and everything in sight to build up the Delcoties name. My father knows this, and he has sons.”
“And yet, your father hasn’t reached out with any kind of demands and Candice is … I will never allow her to be married to anyone. She is a special young woman.”
Mason looked at Albert and he saw the trouble he was going through.