Forcing a smile to her face, she handed Reese her drink. “Could you please take this?” He did so without question and she turned to Mason. He had yet to replace the drink he’d given to her. “Dance with me.”
Mason didn’t argue or tell her no, and for that she was thankful. Leading him onto the dance floor, Mason pulled her against him. There were not many couples on the floor, perhaps five total.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” Mason asked.
She sighed. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Don’t lie to me. No one can see you.”
“People are looking, though, right?” she asked.
Mason nodded his head.
She wanted to drop hers against his chest and forget about everything. Instead, she kept the forced smile on her lips and tried to ignore everything else, but it was hard.
Tamsin didn’t know how her sisters-in-law did this as she struggled so much. She wasn’t cut out for this dog-eat-dog world.
“I don’t know how you do this—come to these parties knowing you have enemies here waiting for you to trip up.”
“It’s something my brothers and I have been trained to do,” he said. “Trust me, my father made sure we were strong and could handle anything.”
“Of that, I have no doubt. My brothers are the same. My mom was trying to train me for this, but then everything went wrong and I guess I didn’t get the whole training.” She wanted to burst out laughing and cry at the same time. “Everyone must know the Dentons are a joke.”
“Not a single person does,” Mason said.
“Have you used the truth about us to your advantage?”
This made her pause as she looked at him. “Even after you married me?”
“Tamsin, I get that in your life a lot of people have let you down, they’ve manipulated you and you’ve seen firsthand what it has done to your family. When I found you, I always intended to marry you, and I knew it was going to be a difficult process for us. I wasn’t going to add to that by abusing my position as your husband. Not now, not ever.”
She didn’t know why, but she had an overwhelming urge to kiss him, even with everyone watching. “Thank you,” she said.
“No, thankyou, for making me a very happy husband. It is a pleasure being married to you.”
“How can you say that after the last couple of years?” she asked.
“Easily. I don’t imagine for even a second this has been easy for you.” He stroked her back and she felt the comfort of his touch straight to her core.
Seconds passed and then, rather than fight the temptation, she pressed her head against his chest, feeling the beating of his heart, and knowing she wanted to be with him forever.
What the hell is wrong with me?
I don’t know what is going on and it is scaring me.
She pushed those feelings to the back of her mind and focused on what she felt in that moment. In Mason’s arms, she felt complete and total contentment. Even with their enemies looking at them, it didn’t matter. They had each other and they could handle anything.
“I’m sorry to do this, but can I cut in?”
Tamsin opened her eyes. She had closed them as she rested against Mason’s chest. She didn’t need to turn to know it was Paul who had asked for a dance with her.
“Dad, what are you doing?” Mason asked.
“It would be rude of you to deny me the pleasure of this dance with my daughter-in-law.”