“You don’t have to,” she says with a smile. “We’re sisters now.”

I grin as I nod to her and then hurry over to Oliver’s truck. I didn’t even consider that I’d be getting more in this deal than just Oliver. I’m inheriting his whole family too.

I can’t wait to get to know them all.

“You are fucking stunning,” Oliver says when he sees me running over. He can’t take his eyes off me as I run up to him and kiss his cheek.

“You can look at me all you want on the way there,” I say as I open the door. “We have to go!”


. . .


“Where are all these people coming from?” I whisper to Jada as she drops another pile of my books on the table. There’s a lineup out the door!

I’ve been signing so many books that my wrist is aching. It’s every writer’s dream.

“I told you you’re a big shot,” she says with a grin.

I find that hard to believe.

We got here just in time and Eleanor seemed even more annoyed to see me than she was when I left yesterday. I think she saw that I hadn’t posted anything online about the signing.

“I’ll take all eleven,” the next woman in line says with a big smile on her face.

“Okay!” I say with my heart racing as I grab a book from each pile. “Have you read any of my books before?”

“Never,” she says with so much excitement bubbling out of her. “I just found out about you today!”

“How did you find out about me?” I ask as I open the cover of Midnight Garden and sign my name.

“From this guy!” She shows me her phone and my jaw drops. It’s a TikTok video of Oliver on the busy street outside. He’s shirtless with a big sign over his head that says: Who Wants Some Dirty Talk? Check Out Layla Maldonado’s books. Author Signing Over There!

“He’s going viral,” she says as she turns the phone back around and looks at it with a sigh.

Of course, he is. He’s gorgeous, shirtless, and romance readers eat that shit up. I do too if I’m being honest.

I turn to the line of excited women.

“Did anyone else come here because of that hot shirtless guy outside?”

They all nod and start talking to each other, giggling, laughing, and pulling out their phones.

“That was brilliant marketing,” the woman in front of me says. “Your books look amazing, I can’t wait to read them!”

I have to see this for myself.

“I just need two minutes,” I announce to the line. “I’ll be right back!”

I rush over to the window and look out at my crazy man. I shake my head and laugh as I see him going over to all the cars to talk to the female drivers. He points at the bookstore and most of them turn into the packed parking lot. This is wild!

He takes selfies and stops a group of women on bikes. He chats with them for a minute and they all turn toward the store. Seconds later, they’re in the store wearing their bike helmets and getting into the line for my books.

I can’t believe him. He’s incredible.

I’m smiling like a crazy person as I sit back down at my table and continue signing. In less than two hours, we’re sold out of my books and my wrist is on fire. I signed all three hundred of them.