He gazes into my eyes with a loving look as he reaches up and strokes the mark on my neck.

“This is real, Layla,” he says in a low calm voice. “I know you’re used to living in a fantasy world because of your books, but this is really happening. You’re my mate, sweet girl. We’re going to be together forever.”

There’s nothing in his face telling me he’s lying.

I’m starting to believe him.

I turn back to the room and smile, picturing where I’ll put my desk and all of my books. I can be writing in here while he’s cooking or chopping wood. I might have to move his chopping block in the middle of the night so I can watch him through the window while he works.

“Thank you,” I say as I turn back to him and gaze up into his eyes.

His hands come on me and he pulls me in close. “For what?”

“For saving me,” I whisper as I step on my toes and tilt my chin up. “For being my mate. For everything.”

He grins as he comes down, meeting me the rest of the way. “You got it, dirty girl.”

I smile as he kisses me.

He scoops me up in his strong arms and carries me to bed.


. . .


Oliver wakes me up with a kiss.

I smile as I open my tired eyes and look up at him. I barely slept at all last night, but I still don’t mind waking up to this stunning view.

“It’s time to get ready,” he whispers. “We don’t want to be late for your signing.”

Oh crap. Why did he have to go and bring reality into this wonderful wake-up call and ruin it?

I’m dreading today. Not only do I have to go and face Eleanor and Jada, but I’m wearing the same dress as yesterday and it looks like I slept in the forest with it on. Oliver put it in the wash for me, but it didn’t get all of the dirt stains out and it’s all wrinkled up. It’s a mess.

Not only that, but I don’t have any make-up, and I never posted about the book signing on my social media like I promised I would. This is going to be a disaster of a day. They might just take a look at me and send me home for being a mess of a person.

And I wouldn’t blame them.

“Don’t go,” I beg when Oliver pulls away. I just want to stay in this bed and live in this fantasy world for a little bit longer.

I grab his arm and pull him back onto me. He grins as he slides under the covers and presses his body on top of mine. I’m naked under here and he’s wearing nothing but pajama bottoms.

They come off real quick.

I’m already so wet as he climbs on top of me, spreading my legs as he slides into my pussy. I moan when I feel his huge cock penetrating me deep.

At least, I have this.

No matter how badly the day goes today, I’ll be able to think back to this moment of pure bliss and smile.

We’re eating breakfast when the front door swings open hard like someone kicked it down. I jump up, but Oliver doesn’t even flinch.

“It’s my brothers,” he says. “They don’t know how to knock.”

“You okay, bro?” a deep voice says as they walk through the living room. “Is your bear okay, that was a bad one last—who the fuck is that?”