Page 61 of Manticore Madness

The two fire genies did not attack, but when they tried to approach us, Liam stood and blocked their way.

“I am not as forgiving,” he growled. “Leave now while you still have the chance.”

They thanked us before fading away to nothing.

Milly struggled to her feet, the magical net holding her in place having disappeared with the wizard’s last breath. Of all the magical entities the wizard and his forefathers had enslaved, she alone was not freed by Augustine’s death since she now belonged to Eva.

Eva tried to wiggle out of my arms, but I refused to let her go. I couldn’t, not after I had almost lost her.

“I need to go to Milly. Please.”

I compromised by walking over to the elderly elf with Eva in my arms.

“Seth, how do I free her?”

There was no reply.

Seth lay motionless in Liam’s arms. I’d never seen a demon so distraught before. He looked ready to burn down the world.

“I can heal him. Not completely, but a little,” Milly said. She looked at Eva. “I’ll need your help, though.”

“Of course, anything.” Eva reached out to the elf.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, we got Seth stabilized enough to move.

“Let’s get out of here before the cops arrive,” Prax said.

“What’s going to happen when they investigate this?” Eva asked. “People know I was here. And I’m already being investigated for a fire. It’s going to come right back to me.”

“For all intents and purposes, you never left Darlington,” Seth said. He didn’t look much better, but at least he was awake again.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” I said. “Desmon has us covered.”

The sound of someone clearing their throat had us all looking toward the door. The ifrits stood side by side.

“We’re back to, ah, tie up some loose ends.” One of the ifrits handed a glass jar to Liam before the demon could attack. “It’s one of the wizard’s healing spells. Consider it a peace offering. I’m not sure how potent it is, but it would have to help.” He turned to the rest of us. “And now, I’d suggest you mortal folks get out of here. It’s about to get hot in here.” Flames flared out from his body, catching the wallpaper and making it melt and curl up. “Really hot.”

Chapter 31


I stepped out of the portal and into a fancy hotel room. Mateo still held me, and I doubted he was going to let go for a while. I didn’t mind one bit; I was just happy to be in his arms.

Seth was stable, but his burns still looked horrific, and he must have still been in a lot of pain. “I don’t think I have the energy to get us back to Desmon’s. I’ll need to rest for the night.”

“I’ll go downstairs to get us checked into the room next door,” Liam said. “We can portal out tomorrow, or whenever you feel strong enough.”

I suspected the extra room and privacy was as much for them as it was for me and Mateo.

I’d probably miss work again tomorrow, but I’d already decided I didn’t care anymore. There were plenty of other jobs out there but there was only one Seth, and my friend needed to rest. Who knows, maybe I’d start a proper cat grooming service. Sriracha’s Salon. Sriri could be a boss instead.

As Liam went down to the front desk, I turned to Milly.

“How do I free you?”

It was Seth who spoke. “Easy, you just tell her she is free. If you truly mean the words, the magic will realize that and obey.”

“So, no fancy throwing of invisible magical chains? Augustine made a big song and dance about that.”