One way or another, I’m going to get the money I’m owed.

I lead the way to the house, pounding on the door. No noise comes from inside even though there is a car in the driveway.

I bang on the door again, my last thread of patience snapping like a dry and brittle twig.

Someone inside coughs before the door swings wide.

A man who looks like he is on the brink of death stands on the other side, staring at me like I’m a ghost.

Denis wasn’t lying. The man in front of me does look like he is going to die long before I ever get to collect the rest of my debt.

That can’t happen. I’m not going to allow an outstanding debt to just disappear.

It would set the wrong precedent for people who borrow money in the future.

“Hello, James. I was thinking it was time you and I had a conversation about all the scores we must settle.”

James White’s jaw drops before snapping shut. He looks at the ground and stumbles to the side as I push my way into the house.

The living room looks like it hasn’t been updated in years. I stride over to the cracked leather couch and sit down, gesturing at the threadbare recliner in front of me.

James sits on the edge of the recliner as Denis stands just to the right of the doorway, blocking the only exit out of the room.

“Sergey, how are you?” James asks a quiver in his voice.

“I would be better if you were a man of your word. I do have a reputation to uphold. I wouldn’t want others thinking I allowed you to take advantage of my kindness.” I cross my arms and shrug. “But what do I know of debts to be paid? Surely you must have a good reason for not paying the eighty thousand dollars?”

James’ hands shake as he wrings his hands. “I promise that I was going to pay it back, I just haven’t been able to work. I got lung cancer after I borrowed the money, and I couldn’t open that casino near the airport.”

“You don’t say? I thought that empty lot beside the airport was looking a little barren.” I sigh and clasp my hands together before releasing them.

James rubs a hand down his face, looking as old as dirt.

“You see, the problem is that I’m missing money for the minimum payment. Now, I can forgive it this once because I’m a kind man and I know that times are tough for you. However, I want to know what is going to happen with the rest of the debt you owe.”

James glances at me like he doesn’t know whether to piss himself or attempt to throw the first punch. “I don’t have any way to get the money to you right now.”

I lift an eyebrow, a cruel smile creeping across my face. “And you thought I would be willing to forgive your debt after you die?”

He swallows hard, his dull eyes flickering toward the hallway.

“There is no escape, James.” I lean forward, bracing my forearms on my thighs. “The way I see it, you’re going uphold your end of our arrangement one way or another.”

“The interest keeps doubling,” James says, a pleading tone in his voice. “If you would just lower the rate of the interest, I would be able to pay it off faster.”

“I thought you said you could not work. Considering your health, I fail to see how you are going to come up with the money.”

James picks at the skin around his nails. “I will sell the house.”

“It will sit for weeks on the market, during which time, your debt will only increase. Interest will continue to double, and you will still not have enough from the sale of the house once you paid the mortgage off to pay me.”

His eyes well with tears, his body shaking. “I don’t know what else you want from me.”

I pull out the butterfly knife in my pocket, flick it open, and pick at imaginary dirt beneath my nails.

It may be a cheap intimidation tactic, especially for a man who is already terrified, but it works.

Tears track down his cheeks as I nod to Denis.