The small dot on the map indicates that Ryan is moving faster, driving away from the warehouse, and taking a side road toward town.

If I pursue him on the open road, he will see us coming. Even if he knows I’m after him for what he’s done, I want the element of surprise on my side. I whip my SUV around and take a shortcut that should bring me right at his tail.

Buildings blur on either side of the car, and almost a dozen other cars are driving behind me. I drive faster, my grip on the steering wheel is tight and my heart is pounding.

There is nothing I love more than a good car chase.

I chuckle, dirt flying up behind me as I hit the backroad and take a sharp right.

Ryan’s red car appears in front of me as I set the cruise control. I keep one hand on the steering wheel and lean out of the window, gun in the other hand.

I aim at the tires and pull the trigger with a grin.

Ryan’s furious face passes me before his car veers off the road and into a ditch. Thin ribbons of white smoke curl into the sky as more cars appear at the other end of the road.

I slip back into the car and bring it to a halt, get out, and slam the door behind me.

Ryan pulls himself out of the ditch, and some of his men pour out of another car.

My men leave their cars and run toward the others, shouts and gunshots ringing through the air.

I stand a few feet from the ditch and grin as I watch the blood trickle down Ryan’s face. “Imagine my surprise when I leave my wedding only to get into a wreck with my pregnant wife. What do you think caused that?”

Ryan wipes the corner of his mouth, leaving a crimson stain as a maniacal grin flits across his face. “I'm just trying to be efficient. Two bodies in one fell swoop, which was a great plan. I thought I'd get revenge by killing you, but that wasn’t satisfying enough.”

I pull my knife from my pocket, taking a step closer to him. “Motherfucker. I don’t take kindly to men trying to hurt my wife and my unborn child.”

Ryan spits at my feet. “You killed my brother, you fucker. Taking your wife’s life would have been payment for what you did to my family.”

I lunge at him and give him no chance to continue his tirade. My knife plunges deep into his shoulder and his pain-filled scream is music to my ears. I manage to twist the knife driving it even deeper before he shoves me backwards.

Ryan rips the knife from his shoulder and throws it aside. Blood soaks the front of his shirt as he lunges at me. I dodge his attack, grab him by the collar from behind, and fling him to the ground. Before I can get on top of him, his leg sweeps behind my knees and pushes me to the ground. I groan and the pain spreads through my already injured body.

Ryan clamors on top of me, pulling his fist back before it shoots forward and collides with the side of my face. A metallic taste fills my mouth as I bring my knee up and slam it into his spine. He is thrown off balance just long enough for me to flip us over.

I waste no time grabbing him by the face and pressing my thumbs into his eyeballs. There is a sickening pop as they come free of their sockets.

He screams as I smash his head into the ground, my thumbs still digging into his head.

Ryan thrashes under me, his fist swinging wildly as I drive my knee into his chest. Bone crunches beneath the force, sharp wheezes coming with each breath he takes.

“Oops, I think I might have punctured a lung.” I laugh and wipe some of the blood coating my hand on his cheek. “I did the same thing to Cole, you know. Do you want the same treatment? Half a cock to your widow and half a cock to your mistress.”

The sound Ryan makes reminds me of a dying animal.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

I stand and raise my boot high above his head before slamming it down into his face.

His body goes limp beneath me as the fighting around me continues.

I glance at him before climbing onto the roof of my car and pulling my gun from its holster. I pick out a man in the crowd and shoot him, drawing the attention of both my men and the men who belonged to Ryan.

“You have a choice.” My voice booms across the open space as I point the gun at the body of Ryan. “You can either lay down your weapons and join me, or I will do to you what I did to your boss.”

If there is one thing I love in this world, it’s vengeance.

The men lay down their weapons and raise their hands in the air as my men weave through them. The search for hidden weapons begins as my phone starts to ring.