If I could take a week off just to fuck the pent-up frustration out of me, then I would. Anna would spend seven days tied to my bed—one for every day she spent thinking about saving her father.

In the end, she’s going to save her father. I saw it on her face when I left.

The good little virgin I deflowered is going to be mine.

Leon grabs a cigar from the center of the gold table and cuts off the end before lighting it. He inhales before blowing the smoke. The strobe lights flashing around the club make the smoke shine.

Then he grabs another cigar and holds it out to me. “Here, if you are going to look so miserable, you may as well have one of these.”

The woman in my lap takes the cigar and prepares it before putting it between my lips. I inhale, letting the taste erase some of the thoughts about what will be happening in two days.

Denis smirks and sips from his glass of vodka, looking at Leon over the rim. “There is a woman, you know.”

Leon smirks, ignoring the woman reaching for him as he leans over to me. “A woman has your attention, brother? Now I’m interested, tell me about her. You’ve never allowed a woman to occupy your mind like this.”

“Anna.” Denis downs the rest of the vodka. “Sergey has a plaything in tow, and she is running out of time to decide whether she wants to play or not.”

Leon chuckles and takes another drag of his cigar. “A plaything. How did you acquire this Anna woman?”

“Her old man owes me money and he has no way to repay it,” I smirk and nudge the woman off my lap, tired of the way her long nails keep running through my hair.

Desperate is not a look I’m attracted to.

“Leave us.” I jerk my chin toward the door.

She pouts and moves to sit beside the other woman. The pair of them bend their head together, whispering before getting up and heading for the door. They leave the private room as Leon stubs out his cigar.

Leon scowls. “Just because you have a woman on your mind doesn’t mean you need to get rid of my fun for the night.”

“Those women were tiring me. Really, Leon, have some standards.” I lean forward and pour a glass of vodka. “Get yourself a decent woman to claim.”

Denis shrugs. “That’s only happening if she doesn’t turn her father over. You could have underestimated her. We have seen families turn against each other before.”

I inhale more of the smoke before blowing it out in a thin ribbon. “Anna is not the kind of woman to allow her sickly father to be killed. Look at that house. Do you think that they would still be in a home like that unless she had thrown herself into taking care of the household? She is loyal. I like that.”

Leon smirks. “I think you’re too confident. You don’t know this woman, yet you think she is going to come running to you when her father is going to die either way.”

I smash the end of the cigar into the ashtray. “She would be a fool to do so, but that’s what happens when people put their emotions in the way of reality. If she were a smarter woman, she would hand over her father and she would forge a normal life without his debt.”

Though, I know I wouldn’t allow her to do that.

If she does hand over her father in two days, I’m still going to claim her. It won’t be right away. I’ll give her time to think that she is safe.

Anna will think that this is all over. She’ll think that she’s free to move on with her life and that she has nothing left to worry about.

And that’s when I’ll go after her. I would take my time hunting her down and enjoying the chase. I wouldn’t stop until I had searched every corner of the earth for her and brought her back home.

She would be mine whether she wanted to be or not.

I could show her pleasures that she’s never known.

She just needs to give me the chance to show her that I may not be a complete monster.

A monster, yes, but I would worship and protect her. Forever.

If Anna thought she had any options, she would run from me. I know she would. I could see it on her face.

She has found out who I really am.