The way he looked at me with those hungry eyes was as if I were a fresh fruit, ripe for the picking.

I’m sure he plans to take me back to his home and use me the way he did on the plane. If I go with him, I will have to fulfill his sexual desires, bending my will and giving him whatever he wants.

But what would happen once he was done with me?

Would he continue to keep me around? Force me to be a decoration in his house for the rest of my life?

Would he give me to one of the other men to use and abuse until I wished I were dead?

Maybe he would use me until he grows tired of me and then sell me into prostitution. It wouldn’t be the first time that a powerful man decided to make more money off a woman’s body.

My chest tightens and my throat feels like it’s swollen shut. I rub the heels of my hands against my eyes, trying to take deep breaths.

No matter what happens in three days, my life is over. What a fucking mess.

I take a shuddering breath and get up, pacing from one side of the room to the other.

We can’t call the police.

I link my hands together behind my head, opening my chest wide and breathing deeply, trying to calm the anxiety that courses through me. It feels like the world is closing in around me as I sit down on the edge of my thin mattress.

The police wouldn’t be able to do anything even if we were to call them. The contract Dad signed with the Bratva was illegal and my father would go to jail. They would find a way to get rid of him while he was in prison if the cancer didn’t kill him first.

I grab my pillow and launch it at the wall. “Fuck!”

There is no right answer. There’s nothing I can do. There’s no running either, Sergey is a man who can pull his enemy out of the grave.

We could hide, but he would track us down and kill us. His men are terrifying and I’m sure he has more at his disposal if he needs them.

There is no way that we would be able to make it more than a few days before they found us. We would run out of money or places to go.

And if Dad’s health got worse, there would be nothing I could do to help him.

I don’t see any situation in which I or Dad aren’t owned by the mafia by the end of the week.

If it must be one of us, it’s going to be me.

At least I have a shot at staying alive as long as I do as he says.

It seemed easy enough to do the first time.

Dad’s coughing echoes from the other room, only driving home the point that there is nothing I can do to save both of us.

He needs to stay in this house, where he has access to medicine and people who can come by and care for him if I can’t. Hazel would drop by. Natalie might too. They would make sure that Dad got to the doctor if he needed to.

His coughing continues and it sounds like his lungs are going to rattle right out of his body.

I cross the room and close the door, needing a little bit of silence to think.

The next cough is lower, barely audible through the barrier. I sigh and head over to the bed, falling back on it and staring up at the ceiling.

Little pieces of glow-in-the-dark stars are still up there. They’ve been there for years. Dad put them up when I was a little girl and told me that they would keep away the monsters that lurked in the dark.

Those stupid fucking stars did nothing to keep Sergey Orlov away.

It would have been nice if one of the massive monsters looming over my life had been taken out before they ever got to me.

Since the stars didn’t work, I’m the one who must deal with what comes next.