"Please tell me that this potion will let me take what has happened in my stride." I would have liked to beg her for the same herbs, but the pity in her silver eyes told me the answer.

"No, I'm sorry, but I can't give you that this time." She looked uncertainly at Persephone, who nodded to her in encouragement. "Hades has already given you something that will help you soon."

"What is it?" I asked in astonishment. I had never suspected that Hades also had magical powers.

"His mark of the gods," Persephone explained, pointing to my upper arm, where I discovered a branded symbol. "It releases something inside you; hopefully, you'll feel better."

"But..." I wanted to ask further, but Hecate interrupted me immediately.

"Just trust us, Myrina," she said so softly that I nodded without a will and sank back into the pillows.

"What time is it anyway?" I had lost all sense of time.

"It's only one o'clock in the morning. We still have an hour before we leave. If you prefer, you can join my group and go to Russia." Hecate looked at me curiously.

"No," I said resolutely. "I'm going to Derinkuyu as planned."

"Would you like to talk about everything?" Persephone asked cautiously.

"No." I wanted to forget, that's all.

"Good," Hecate hesitantly sat on the edge of my bed. "How about a bath then?"

Actually, I just longed to return to my darkness. The silence, the cocoon of oblivion. But I knew that wasn't possible. If I wanted to go on this mission, I had to pull myself together and leave this bed.

Nevertheless, my nod came hesitantly.

I gratefully let the women help me. When I looked down at myself and saw the beautiful dress, I had to blink away a few new tears, which were already on the verge of falling. But I decided not to cry anymore. So, I swallowed the lump while I slipped out of my evening dress in the adjoining bathroom, threw it carelessly into a corner, and went to the bathtub, which Persephone had already filled.

"Would you like to be alone?" asked the Goddess of Spring, smiling at me sympathetically.

"Please stay," I begged because I knew my thoughts would only revolve around him without a distraction. And I wasn't ready for that yet.

So, Persephone fetched a bottle of wine and sat down with Hecate. We drank, and the goddesses told funny anecdotes about their long existence, making me laugh.

It was good to spend time with them. Since the Knights of John had overrun our world and taken Charly from me, such moments among women, among friends, had no longer been possible, apart from the one evening with the Amazons. I had to smile at the thought despite the sting that the memory of my best friend caused.

If someone had told me a few months ago I would soon be calling the Greek goddesses Persephone and Hecate my friends, I would have thought they were crazy and laughed at them.

The Goddess of Magic had provided me with leather pants, boots, a long-sleeved shirt, and my weapon belt.

At two o'clock on the dot, I stood in front of the mirror, fully dressed. The dark colors of my new clothes pushed any memory of the golden dress into the background. Only my pale face and reddish eyes hinted at what had happened that night.

"Ready?" Hecate wanted to know.

I nodded resolutely and then went to Persephone.

"Thank you for everything," I said, and she hugged me.

"You can do it," she said encouragingly.

In order not to delay my departure any longer and not to lose the strength to face the inevitable, I stepped right next to the Goddess of Magic, who had created a portal in the house with Hades' permission. It had taken a lot of persuasion on Persephone's part, as it would be the second breach of the rules that night, thanks to Tanael's unauthorized portal in the clearing. And Hades was known to love his rules.

Without hesitation, I followed Hecate to the other side of the gate, directly into the entrance area of Tanael's villa.

Everyone was gathered there, and the others' faces showed me the story had already spread. They knew what had happened.

Aza approached me hesitantly and touched my arm with a loving smile. Zuri, Aspasia, and Emma did the same. The men and Maggy just stepped awkwardly from one foot to the other. Even Sam didn't have any of his sayings ready.