I doubted I was the right person for this, but if no one else wanted to do it, I had no choice.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and told Edward precisely what I had told my family a few hours earlier. Fortunately, Edward took it very calmly, which I assumed was due to the glittering powder Hecate had given him. Although I was not an advocate of any drugs, I knew from my own experience that this one could be a lifesaver.

The literature student's eyes shone with energy, strengthened by several sandwiches and several glasses of lemonade, which Stephan had prepared for us all and brought upstairs to the guest room.

"Can I see it?" he asked excitedly. "Of course, the papyrus."

"Tanael?" I turned to the angel, who nodded in agreement. I knew he would continue to keep an eye on Edward, but he was also aware that we needed an extra head on this mission.

"Let's go to my study," the angel suggested busily.

Not again! Couldn't we just study the document here?

Annoyed, I groaned as I followed him once again.

"What's got into you?" my brother said, commenting on my apparent grimace.

"Oh, nothing," I mumbled, but Chris next to me was already giggling.

"You're annoyed because he makes you run after him every time."

I looked up in surprise. Was it that obvious?

"How do you know that?" I asked him.

"Because you're my sister," he replied mysteriously. "And because you were no different as a child." His smile faded. His face became serious, and a certain sadness resonated in his following words. "The last five years must have been a tough time for you. We were all overwhelmed by this new world order and had to find our place. I think we have missed the fact that you have suffered incredibly."

Tears welled up in my eyes. The memories of my loneliness, my pain about the role I had to play, and the shortness of breath that the golden cage had given me crashed over me like a wave.

My brother stopped and pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry, Myrina. We should have been there for you a lot more," he said.

A sob escaped me, and I buried my face in Chris's jacket. For so long, I had longed to be seen by my father and brothers. For them to really recognize my pain. This feeling of no longer being part of the family had almost broken me.

Quite unexpectedly, more and more sobs came until I could hardly breathe. But the tears were liberating. It was good to let go and free myself from the pressure that had built up inside me.

When I had finally calmed down, I wiped the last drops from my cheek and looked around. We were alone in the long corridor.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, confused.

"They just wanted to give you the moment you needed," Chris explained, smiling lovingly at me. "I promise you, sis, I'll take better care of you from now on."

"I think it's the other way around here in the underworld, big brother," I laughed and winked at him.

I felt so much freer than before. Elated by the lightness that inspired me, I took Chris by his arm and led him into Tanael's study.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his grin. Was it pride that flashed alongside the mischief?

A lively discussion had already started around Tanael's desk about which other sacred sites might fit the text.

"It's true; the Grail was also suspected by the Knights Templar in the tunnels of the Temple Mount. They are said to have dug for decades. Unfortunately, what they did or did not find remained a great mystery. After their return to France, they were quickly wiped out. Had they perhaps found something that should not have been made public? Or were they punished for a failure and eliminated? There are many theories. One relates to the Ark of the Covenant, which is also said to contain essential documents on ancient stone tablets. Among other things, the Ten Commandments," Edward talked like a waterfall to Tanael and Hecate, who stood rather uninvolved at one side of the table.

As I approached the two men, my brother joined the Goddess of Magic. Watching this, I had to take better care of him than I had expected. Priests in the Anglican Church were allowed to be interested in women, fall in love, and even get married. But Hecate?

"I also like the theory of the pyramids. Especially as they represent a sacred site, but one that is far removed from Christianity due to its Egyptian culture. A hiding place that would not immediately catch the eye of a believer," Edward continued.

"But why isn't Derinkuyu on your list?" he asked with astonishment.

"Derin- what?" I asked curiously.