"Why? Why?" was the only word I managed to get out.

This small question had already destroyed so many lives. The why was more important than the where, how, who, or what. It was the heart of the matter, the drive, the motivation. The why could win a war, make the difference between life and death, and tell you that you loved someone—more than your life.

Love. There it was again; this word flitted through my thoughts like a ghost, through my dreams, hopes, and wishes.

Five letters spreading terror in me.

"Give him time," Persephone whispered, holding my hand as she stroked a strand of hair from my tear-streaked face. "Be strong and brave the headwind. For both of you."

"I can't do this anymore." I shakily squeezed her hand and looked at her. "I can't do it anymore."

New tears flowed freely as I closed my eyes and curled up. I made myself as small as possible.

"Come on, let's go. She needs to sleep a bit, then she'll feel better soon," I heard Hades' voice.

Take me away from here, I begged the darkness inside me. It immediately enveloped me. Gave me comfort.

"No, Hades. Look at her. She is suffering. He is suffering. Nothing is getting better. We've been watching this for millennia now. I can't do it anymore." Persephone sounded desperate.

"I know," sighed Hades. "I'm no different."

"Then let's finally do something!"

The last thing I heard was Persephone's voice. The darkness had now wholly enveloped me like a cocoon and gently lulled me into a dreamless sleep.


Hades gave her a small part."

The voice sounded muffled and distorted at the same time. My black fog barely wanted to let it through like a self-constructed protective wall.

"Then she'll know soon enough."

After that, it was quiet. I was alone again with my pain and sadness. But I was no longer lonely because the dark part of me gave me comfort.

My darkness released me back into the world as soon as I had calmed down. My thoughts felt more organized, and the trembling had subsided.

Nevertheless, I felt as if I had been run over by a freight train, which I blamed on the wine for the sake of simplicity.

My heart was still beating; it hadn't shattered into a thousand little pieces like it had felt at that crucial moment, but only because a hot, burning layer of pain was holding it together. Protected it from breaking completely. Because I knew one thing for sure. As soon as this pain let go of me, my heart would break, I would break. The trembling of my body, which resonated deep inside me like an echo, had only been the beginning of what this feeling could do to me. A feeling I couldn't name; it was too cruel.

He had turned away from me again, taking my hopes, longings, and love with him. Tanael. His name alone tore my insides into a thousand pieces.

Nevertheless, I had to live without him, without his love. My mind drove away the lamentation of my heart. My darkness supported me.

Slowly, I tried to open my eyes. My eyelashes were stuck to my skin because of the endless flow of tears. I carefully rubbed my hands over my face.

"She's waking up, Kate," I heard Persephone's worried voice.

"She looks terrible. That oaf of an angel, what was he thinking?" Hecate grumbled.

"Myrina, how are you?" Persephone sat down on the edge of the bed with me.

"Better, I think," I lied. "My head hurts."

"Don't worry, I've brought you something for that," Hecate was unusually caring. "Drink this."

The two women carefully helped me to sit up, and the Goddess of Magic held out a cup of steaming brew. I choked down the contents without any comment.