"Oh really? What?" Why did my voice suddenly sound so squeaky, even in my head?

"Things that would make you scream," he whispered seductively in my mind.

"Oh," I was getting really hot, and the only thing I could concentrate on was his hand holding mine.

"Do you know what you would scream?" he wanted to know, and his words were like little sparks. Ready to ignite my inner fire.

I swallowed hard.

"My name," he breathed, and my knees went weak.

"But as we're supposed to be very quiet so we won't be discovered, I'm afraid we'll have to postpone that until another time." He suddenly chuckled, snapping me out of the bubble that had made me forget everything around us.

Confused, I looked around. Due to our inner dialog, I hadn't even noticed that we had arrived on the opposite side of the cave. The two of us stood before the tunnel entrance that would take us further into the earth while the others were still balancing on the narrow ledge along the cave wall.

"Did you do that on purpose?" I asked, glaring at him as angrily as I could.

"What?" he replied innocently. But his expression was amused.

"Whisper these things so I'm distracted and forget about the slope and the dangers?"

"Did it work out?"

This time, I had to grin. "Yeah, you dumbass!"

"You're welcome."

At that exact moment, I heard a noise in the mine and looked down into the depths for the first time. In the light of several torches, I could make out tiny figures at work. The dust of broken stones lingered in the air, making everything appear as if through a curtain of mist. But there was more.

As if struck by lightning, I couldn't breathe, my vision blurred, and all I could see were these glowing, inhuman eyes staring at me out of the mists and tearing me apart inside.


Myrina? Myrina?"

Tanael's voice reached me as if through absorbent cotton. But I was paralyzed.

"Haye, what's going on? Tell me? What's wrong?" he kept panicking in my head.

But I couldn't answer and tell him what was happening to me. Even if I didn't know it myself. It felt like something was pulling at my soul while, at the same time, it was trying to kill me.

Suddenly, strong arms lifted me and pressed me against a warm chest. Tanael's chest. Then he ran through the tunnel with me. I heard the footsteps of the others behind us.

"Everything will be fine; just hang in there." His words caressed my insides. But I still couldn't breathe, and the panic that was now raging inside me didn't make it any easier.

A cold, invisible claw had dug deep into me and wouldn't let go.

The footsteps became quieter and quieter, my eyelids heavier and heavier. The world was slipping away from me.

"No, Myrina! Haye, stay with me!"

Darkness enveloped me, and an unfamiliar peace drove away all fear.

When I opened my eyes again shortly afterward, I stood on the sandy beach of the Styx. It was as beautiful here as it had been on my first visit. Hades' glass palace glittered in the fake sun, and the God of the Underworld came strolling towards me. His three-headed dog plodded along behind him.

"Myrina, welcome back," he greeted me in a friendly manner.

"Hades. What am I doing here?" I looked down at myself in confusion. I was still wearing black clothes and the weapon belt. "Am I dead?"