"It was Lilith," Lariel explained. Hecate enthusiastically clapped her hands. My brothers stared at the shapeshifter in disbelief. The angels seemed utterly unimpressed, and Aspasia exchanged a nervous glance with Emma. Only my father sat in his chair, completely unconcerned.
"That brings us to the next item on our list," Tanael interrupted the different reactions to Lariel's explanation, which had also thrown me off balance.
"The why." He wrote the word WHY in large letters on the blackboard.
"The Brotherhood claimed they took over the world to save humanity from its demise. To prevent the next seal from the Book of Revelation from opening." Chris crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Something we now know was a lie." The deception he felt was apparent to see on his face.
"Priest, what would the next seal be?" Hecate wanted to know.
"The sixth seal," he replied.
"Ah, the one with the earthquakes, the solar eclipse, and the stars falling to earth," summarized the Goddess of Magic with an eerie fascination.
"We're getting off subject, Hecate," growled Tanael, slightly annoyed.
"Go ahead, Luze." The goddess waved her hand indifferently in his direction, eliciting another growl. This was like kindergarten!
"As Chris mentioned, the pretended rescue attempt was just an excuse to finally follow their true intentions," I interjected, taking over the brainstorming session. "In reality, every structure of social life has been adapted to allow them to find what they have been seeking for millennia. And that is Lilith's daughter and thus the second female bloodline."
"Well, I didn't see that coming," Lariel said, and Maggy also looked very surprised. During our research, we had already discovered that a certain woman had to be the cause of everything the Brotherhood had initiated, and the name Lilith had also been mentioned once, but only now did it all make sense.
"A second bloodline?" Rick now wanted to know.
Tanael quickly told the story of Lilith, Adam, and their children, which he had already shared with Chris, Edward, and me.
"So, the biblical creation story isn't true, as far as humans are concerned. Eve wasn't the first woman," Rick summarized, then looked at me. "Sis, you're surely descended from Lilith's bloodline. With your claws, it can't be any other way." He grinned cheekily at me.
"Sucker," I hissed, but my smile spoke volumes. "And no, I'm definitely not the descendant of Lilith, even if Mr. Nash believed that and almost killed me in our garden. I would definitely remember so many past lives."
"Yes, you would remember that," Aspasia suddenly agreed and stood up. Her face was pale, and she kneaded her hands uncertainly. "Tanael, please put a soundproof barrier around this tent because what I have to say is for your ears only."
He looked at the Amazon in surprise. The next moment, I felt a crackling in the air, which took me back to the moment when Tanael whispered into my ear what his fingers and tongue would do to me in his garden.
Heat rose in my cheeks, and a glance at Tanael showed me he was thinking of the exact moment. His eyes were written with pure desire that threatened to devour me.
"Thank you." Aspasia's voice trembled, and she clearly struggled to express her thoughts.
"I haven't been frank with you," she confessed, "but I've been carrying this secret for so long. Over the years, I've become suspicious and cautious. But now is the time to share it with you."
She looked to Emma for help. Her friend took her hand and gave her an encouraging nod.
"I am Lilith's daughter," Aspasia announced in a firm voice.
It was as if the entire room was holding its breath. No matter whether gods, angels, demons, Brysalians, or humans. No one had expected that. Our eyes widened as we stared at Aspasia in disbelief. The silence that had settled over us when the shock hit us was quickly replaced by a storm of questions. Everyone was talking excitedly, wanting to know more, and in the end, the chaos was so great that no one could be understood.
While everyone else was shouting, I tried calmly organizing the new information. If Aspasia was Lilith's daughter, the person the Brotherhood was searching for, then ...
"You realize what that means, don't you?" I heard Tanael's voice clearly above the noise in my head. It had been a while since he had spoken to me in my mind, and only now did I realize I had missed it. It was a bit creepy but also made me feel less lonely. I looked up and nodded at him.
"She's the Holy Grail," I whispered back wordlessly, unsure if it even got through to him. His nod of agreement showed me he had heard me.
"Did you know?"
"I was aware that Lilith's daughter was referred to as the Grail, but I didn't know it was Aspasia," he explained.
"Quiet!" Emma's otherwise gentle voice echoed powerfully through the tent. Silence fell suddenly.
"Let Aspasia explain everything before you ask questions," she said. "Go on, tell them."