That made perfect sense.

"I see. Logical," I replied. Hecate turned to leave again. But I didn't want to let this opportunity pass. Now that she was so talkative.

"Hecate, do you know what this ring does?" I asked, holding my finger up demonstratively.

But the Goddess of Magic didn't bother to look at it.

"I don't know which ring you're talking about," she replied, pressing her lips together.

Did she really want to play this game with me? Annoyed, I removed the silver snake ring from my finger, deftly overtook the goddess, and held it right under her nose.

"I mean this ring here." I grinned triumphantly in her face.

But her reaction was completely different from what I had expected from her.

Startled, she looked at the piece of jewelry. Sheer fear flitted across her features.

"Put it back on immediately, Myrina," she hissed angrily. Was it panic I saw swimming in the silver of her irises?

I hastily did what she had told me to do. I immediately realized I had made a mistake.

"They can find you now. Let's get out of here really quickly," Hecate whispered, pulling me with her. I wanted to ask who she meant, but I didn't get the chance.

Suddenly, there was a rustling in the bushes to our left, and two dark-clad men emerged from them. They had half-decayed bodies and faces. One had a thick bulging scar running directly over his right eye, which I now discovered was no longer there. The other was missing his left hand. Their clothes hung in tatters from what was left of them.

Where Alex was surrounded by a beautiful glow, a black, tar-like mist hovered around them. Where the black dripped onto the ground, all the plants died immediately, and the lush green grass turned into a dull gray.

A frightening cold crept up on me. Were these the dead that Hades had warned me about?

Magical beings who had devoted themselves to evil but were not sent to Tartarus because they still had a spark of remorse?

They didn't look like they were regretting anything.

Shortly afterward, I sensed the presence of four other people behind us. A shiver ran down my spine. Hecate next to me stiffened and stood rooted to the spot.

"Witch, what have you brought for us?" hissed the handless one, drool dripping from his mouth with every word. He sniffed provocatively in our direction with his nose, from which scraps of skin hung down.

The guy next to him chuckled cruelly and licked his wrinkled gray lips.

"Don't get too close, or you'll feel my power," Hecate warned them surprisingly firmly.

"We haven't had a good fight for a long time," I now heard a female behind us say. I slowly turned to face her, which was a big mistake. There stood a corpse, no less decomposed. Her hair hung down in strands from her almost bald skull. Not much of her face was recognizable. But above her hand, which was missing several fingers, hovered a blue ball of fire.

"And we're going to win this one!" she shrieked with a laugh, and all hell broke loose at that moment.


Adozen fireballs shot towards us. My heart stood still. With wide eyes, I saw them approaching, but I couldn't move. My hand went to the dagger on my belt, but I knew it couldn't do anything. We were lost. I was lost.

But just as quickly as these fireballs came hurtling towards us, a bubble formed around us, and they bounced off with a hiss. Relieved, I turned to Hecate.

"Thank you," I gasped.

"Don't thank me too soon. There are six of them, and I am alone. I may be a goddess, but you humans invented the word omnipotent, and unfortunately, it doesn't apply to us gods."

If we hadn't been in this weird bubble, surrounded by these walking corpses attacking us, I probably would have laughed out loud. Hecate had a sense of humor. Apparently, however, it came out in the most absurd moments.

"And what do we do now?" I asked, bracing myself for the worst.