"Light and darkness can only exist independently of each other," he continued in a whisper.
A dizziness came over me. Past and present caught up with me to merge together.
"That's why you and I aren't allowed to love each other." He stood up slowly and took my face lovingly in his hands. "Because you were the Goddess of the First Darkness."
I recognized the truth in the gold of his eyes even before the memories carried me away again into my darkness., into a time when nothingness reigned, and the worlds were created.
Her night-black hair poured over the white fur like a waterfall. As strong as it was soft, just like its owner.
An inexplicable restlessness had woken me up early, so I lay beside her, admiring her. Her beauty, grace, and strength were visible even now while she slept.
At that moment, I knew she was with her darkness, as I had recently been with my light. Although we had been stripped of our divinity, no one could take away our essence. The title and the supremacy that came with it were gone, as were some of the powers that were not bound to us. But we were still the first light and the first darkness.
In the meantime, I didn't care what had been done to her and me, that we had been punished, as long as I could be with her. Of course, we had been warned that there would be consequences if we defied the ban, but nothing had happened.
For many moon cycles, we had lived together on Earth among humans, where my love had been banished. I had been turned into a messenger of God, but I couldn't stay in heaven when she was down here.
That's why I went looking for her until I found her in her human shell, and I haven't left her since.
My love for her was infinite; without her, I knew there was no point in my existence.
As the God of the First Light, I had felt omnipotent back then. That ended the day I met her—my life, my Haye.
My divine arrogance melted in her presence, and I felt like a puppy learning the first rules of etiquette. She had taken me out of my bubble and shown me how much more there was in me and how much more the universe had to offer.
She was the warrior, the brave one, the one with the true inner strength, and I loved her for it.
In hindsight, I was sure she knew what to expect and faced the future fearlessly, whereas I thought we were safe. That was a big mistake.
Even in that one moment, when the first rays of sunshine heralded the new day, I lost all sense of the danger we were already in. I realized my folly only when they stood at our camp.
Michael and ten other angels entered our lives so silently that it seemed as if they had been lurking in the shadows for a long time, watching us.
The moment the first angel entered our hut far from the nearest settlement, she woke up. But instead of fighting or rebelling, she gently stroked my cheek and kissed me.
"It was the best time I could have wished for in this human life. Promise me that you will look for me again."
"I will always look for you," I promised her.
"No matter what happens today," she urged.
Two angels grabbed her, and I wanted to draw my weapons, but she shook her head and let herself be taken without resistance, and I followed them.
"Did you really think we wouldn't find you?" Michael appeared in front of our dwelling in the next blink of an eye. His black hair blew in the wind like a bad omen, and his grin and blue eyes were cruel. He stood there like a god. In his full regalia, his wings spread theatrically, the sun behind him making them appear like flames.
"It would have damaged your big ego if it had been any different, Michael," I spat at his feet.
"To you: Prince of Light," purred the messenger of the gods. A ball of light formed in his hand, which he balanced with one finger. They had transferred a part of my power to him.
A growl escaped me, but my counterpart just laughed.
"Oh yes," he said calmly. "Viceroy of Heaven does, too, by the way." My eyes widened. What had he done to earn this title?
"Put him in chains," Michael ordered the angels around us. "I want him to watch before he receives his own punishment."