"It's fine." My voice sounded unusually high.
The demon was the first to climb into the hole, and a little later, we heard its thud on the ground. Tanael followed him. Now, it was my turn. Sam gently pushed me towards the shaft. I glanced down and discovered Tanael and Stephan, who were fine and had switched on their flashlights. What had previously been a black uncertainty became a far too deep certainty.
"Come on, Myrina!" shouted Stephan. "We'll catch you!" He and Tanael had positioned themselves directly under the ventilation shaft.
I took a shaky breath and swung my legs over the edge. It took some effort, but eventually, I let myself fall with my eyes closed.
Strong arms caught me. Tanael's arms.
"It's all right, I've got you," he murmured more gently than expected.
I cautiously opened my eyes, but before I could look at him, he put me on my still trembling legs and left me standing there.
Stephan came up to me. "Well, it wasn't so bad, was it?"
"So much for we will catch you!" I unnecessarily snapped at him. "Where on earth have you been?"
"The Dumah had sent me away to check that we were alone here." The demon looked at me contritely, and I felt terribly sorry I had snapped at him like that.
"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I'm not myself at the moment."
"You don't need to apologize. Everything is fine."
Sam landed elegantly on the floor next to me.
"Which way is it now?" He also switched on his flashlight and let the cone of light glide across the room.
"This is the so-called shamrock church," he registered admiringly.
The cave was huge and consisted of many subdivisions. Arches, pillars, and niches turned it into a small labyrinth.
"According to my map, here in the main room, there is a filled-in tunnel in the ground that leads further down into a part of the city that humans haven't explored since their discovery in 1963." Tanael waved a piece of paper.
"Let's go digging then," Sam suggested. "But make sure we don't cause the next tunnel to collapse."
He fished a folded shovel out of his backpack.
"Where should I start, Luze?"
"I wouldn't do that, angel," a familiar cold voice was suddenly heard from the confusion of the labyrinthine room.
Horrified, I looked in the direction from which the cutting words had come, and I thought I could feel his fingers around my neck again.
John Adam Nash stepped out from behind a pillar with a cruel smile.
Tanael, Sam, and Stephan immediately stood protectively in front of me and drew weapons I had never seen on them before: long, glowing swords. The next moment, a gust of wind passed through the room, and the two angels menacingly unfurled their mighty wings. Tanael's wings were white with golden tips, and Sam's were pitch black with silver ends.
Stephan had also changed. Our former butler, who had stood laughing at the stove in the morning wearing an apron and frying eggs and bacon, grew three heads taller. His skin took on a grayish tinge, and fangs protruded from his mouth when he turned to me.
"Satan, did you really think I was here alone?" Mr. Nash laughed, completely unimpressed. Behind him, figures emerged from the shadows. There were five Keren and three other monsters that looked like oversized wolves. They snarled, and drool dripped from their snouts. The looks they gave me suggested I was to be their next meal, which they probably were right about. Trembling, I took my dagger out of my knife belt and clutched it with both hands. Remembering my last encounter with a Ker, I avoided eye contact with these monsters.
"Nash! Interesting to see you down here. And with a few Keren and Ankou to boot. How did you get hold of these demons from the underworld?" said Tanael, surprisingly relaxed.
"I have my contacts," replied the Knight, taking a step forward. The monsters followed closely behind him.
"But enough of this unnecessary banter." His eyes fell on me. "I'm just here to get what I need. Give her to me, and I'll let you go peacefully."