Page 39 of Nailed Right

“What surprise?” I ask, curiosity blooming within me.

I glance between Jake and Amber, trying to read their expressions, but they're both masters at keeping secrets. Jake merely smiles enigmatically, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

“You'll see,” he says, reassuringly squeezing my knee.

I sink into my seat, my mind racing. With Jake, I've learned to expect the unexpected. My curiosity is piqued, but I play along, enjoying the building excitement in the car.

When we stop, Amber bursts out of the truck, her body quivering with excitement. “Come on!” she calls, her voice high and eager.

Jake comes around to my side, opens the door, and offers his hand. “M'lady,” he says with a grin, helping me out. I waddle after Amber, one hand on my belly.

Jake leads me up the porch steps, pausing with his hand on the doorknob. “Ready?”

I glance up at him, my heart fluttering at the love and anticipation I see in his eyes.

Amber giggles, her little fingers tugging mine. “Come and see the surprise!”

The living room is filled with rose petals, their soft fragrance mingling with the scent of flickering candles that trail toward the backyard.

We step outside, and I gasp, my free hand flying to my mouth. The backyard is a magical oasis with twinkling lights strung between the trees.

Amber is practically vibrating with excitement beside us. “Look what we made for you!”

She points to the table laden with all my favorite snacks—chocolate-covered pretzels, sour gummy worms, those cheese crackers I can't get enough of lately.

There are chocolate-covered strawberries and a decadent-looking cake. Are those my lemon bars?

“Jake,” I breathe, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. “This is incredible.”

Jake smiles that secret, mischievous smile that makes my heart flutter.

He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close. “We wanted to do something special for you. To show you how much we love and appreciate you.”

Amber nods vigorously. “The sunflowers were my idea!”

I crouch down as best I can, gathering her into a tight hug. “They're perfect, sweetie. Thank you.”

“I helped Daddy make the cake, too!” Amber announces proudly. “I did the frosting!”

“You did?” I marvel at the lopsided piping on the cake that says, “Will you marry us?”

“Yep! Daddy said I did a good job, even though I got frosting everywhere!” Amber giggles.

Beside the cake is a small velvet box. I moved in with Jake and Amber shortly after Jake's divorce was finalized, and I've considered myself part of this family ever since.

But now, with this gesture, Jake is making it official. Jake takes my hand, his thumb gently caressing my knuckles.

“Finley, do you remember the first time I saw you in the bakery? You wore a bright purple apron and those cherry red Doc Marten boots. I thought to myself, 'Now there's a woman who knows how to make a statement.'“

I laugh, recalling my bold fashion choices. “And here I thought you fell for my baking skills.”

“Oh, I did,” Jake assures me with a smirk. “But those boots sealed the deal.”

Slowly, deliberately, he sinks to one knee, and a gasp escapes my lips.

“Finley,” he begins, his eyes shimmering. “Finley, I adore you. I adore everything about you. You light up a room with your smile, pour your heart into everything you do, and love us fiercely and unconditionally.”

“I know you love how handy I am around the house,” Jake continues, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “And how I can rock a toolbelt as an accessory.”