Page 26 of Red

After confirming with Blanche, we know that she’s sick and won’t live much longer but I need her to see the destruction of Le Milieu. She destroyed her own family to make sure that she had ultimate power, now it’s her turn.

I can see the hurt in Blanche’s eyes when she talks about her parents. Their death had such an impact on her life. She doesn't even see how strong she is, still wanting to see the best in everyone even though she has been walking alone in life. I won’t let her lose herself through this. Killing someone can take a piece of your soul. I won’t let this happen; I will make sure that I’m the one that ends Old Lady Marelle. Blanche thinks we're just going to destroy Le Milieu and then let her grandmother die on her own. I don’t plan on letting her get that far.

I want her to see there is no hope and that the one family she tried to end will be taking over The Wolves. Once she loses all hope, I’m going to watch the light go out in her eyes just like she did with my parents. The first person on my list after we take over is Nicholas because I know even though we're married, he’ll try to take Blanche from me. He wants her, he thinks she belongs to him but he’ll have another thing coming. They don’t call me The Wolf for nothing. A wolf hunts and kills his prey.

Turning off the highway, we make it down a gravel road that’ll lead us back into the forest. These woods are where Jake and I grew up. Where we planned our missions to destroy The Wolves and their trafficking rings. Every time I enter among the trees, I start to breathe easier. I feel at home. Only one other thing has given me this sense of calm and she’s riding behind me.

Seeing Jake’s cabin up ahead, I start to slow down the bike. I can see a group of his guys in a circle in front of his cabin. Coming to a stop I get off the bike, turning my body and holding out a hand to help her off. We straighten ourselves, grab our items and head over to where Jake is standing with the security guys.

When we get closer, Jake nods, finishing up his instruction, and says, “Men, this is Zeev and Blanche. You all have your instructions. Let’s start loading up the SUVs and head towards the mansion.”

Jake, Blanche, and I are in one with a few of the security detail leading the convoy. In the corner of my eye, I can see Blanche’s leg bouncing up and down with nervous energy. I place my hand on her thigh and start rubbing it with my thumb in small circles, trying to convey some comfort.

Leaning over to her, I whisper in her ear, “It’s going to be fine. She’s not going to do anything crazy since she’s already told you that she wants you to take over for her. I’ll be there with you. You’re not alone.”

She looks over at me finally taking in that deep breath and I can see her shoulders start to relax a bit. It’s show time as we pull up to the gates of the mansion.

Chapter 19


The SUVs pull up to the gates. As soon as they open, my heart starts pounding. It’s beating so hard that I’m sure everyone can hear it. The convoy heads straight for the circle driveway, pulling up to the front door. As if it was planned, the front doors swing open at the same moment the SUVs stops.

I hype myself up. “You can handle this, Blanche. You are not alone.”

Getting out of the car, I look up at the porch. My gaze collides with my grandmother’s angry glare, one that I’ve never seen before, and it’s terrifying. Gathering my strength for what comes next, I remind myself once again, Don’t allow her to intimidate you. You are strong.

Grandmother is standing between the two men who opened the front door. They seem to be taking over the whole porch. We all get out of the SUVs with the men surrounding me for protection. Jake takes his place in front of Zeev, feeling like he’s an invincible hero.

I’m so nervous that my hands are sweaty. I rub them on my jeans and I take a deep breath to calm them. Zeev makes eye contact with me and puts his hand in mine and pulls me to his side to show that we are equals. This simple gesture gives me the strength that I need to keep going with the plan.

I put on my mask of indifference, the one that my parents taught me at an early age before making our way to the mansion and entering the viper’s nest. Zeev kisses me on my nose, squeezing my hand at the same time, reminding me that he’s here with me and that I don’t have to face this alone. Zeev has a way of making me feel so safe, and I’m not even sure he’s aware of his effect on me.

We finally make our way to the front door, facing my grandmother’s harsh face. That’s when it hits me. I never knew this woman. I only knew the woman that she wanted me to see. Looking back at my childhood, the people who were constant in my life were my grandfather, Maria, and Gregory. I don’t owe this woman anything. The reminder within allows me to straighten my spine and go forward with this crazy plan that Zeev and I have concocted. Crossing my fingers, here goes nothing.

We move forward as a unit. It’s like we’ve been doing this for years and not just a few days. Jake and the rest of the security team follow closely behind us. Grandmother and her team move to allow us to pass over the threshold. All of it seems so easy, a little too easy. I can feel that she’s up to something. I hope we accounted for all possibilities.

I come to a dead stop when I’m face to face with Nicholas. His eyes meet mine and narrow on my hands where they meet Zeev’s. He looks over at the man who is holding my hand, and his face becomes ashen a bit. Does he know Zeev?

Gathering himself, Nicholas clears his throat and moves to stand behind my grandmother. He leans down, never moving his eyes away. He whispers in her ear and then she looks up.

“Blanche, your security will need to stay behind. I will not allow them in my home,” she demands.

I knew she was up to something. I’m starting to falter. I can already feel that this isn’t going to go as we planned. Trying to not panic and before I can react, I hear Zeev speak to Jake.

“You and the security team can wait outside,” they exchange a look and Jake nods then walks outside.

Gregory appears out of nowhere and leads us deeper into the living room. Grandmother and Nicholas follow behind us. It takes all my might to not look back. I can feel Nicholas’s slimy gaze on me. Today, he seems even creepier openly checking me out. As if he doesn't have anything holding him back from me like he did the first day we met.

Sitting down in the living room, the air in the room is so thick with tension that it's hard to breathe. All four of us just stare at each other, no one wanting to break first. My grandmother decides to go first, ending the stare off with an icy demanding voice.

“Welcome back, Blanche. We were worried about your safety.” She turns her deadly gaze towards Zeev.

With a sharp tone, I reply, “Well, Grandmother, as you can see, no harm has come to me. If anything, I’m in better shape than I was when I was held here.”

Chapter 20
