“You did,” he confirmed. “And I believe you. But now’s not a good time.”

“When then?”

“Surprise me. I’m not short of morning wood, and you’re not short of waking up way too damn early.”

Ten minutes later, we were already up on our feet and dressed. The space between my thighs was still throbbing and pulsating.

“Grab the gear. We’re outta here,” Riggs said, heading out through the laundry room like he hadn’t just served me with the best oral sex of my life.

I followed him, watching his muscular back and his lithe movements. Guess we were back to being an employer and an employee.

“Poppins?” he asked, his back still to me.


“I’m not in touch with Gretchen. Haven’t been since that day in her office. Stopped taking her calls.”

“How come?” My heart beat so hard I could swear it was bruised and mangled in my chest.

Riggs didn’t turn to look at me or break his stride. “Nobody says things like that to my wife and keeps their teeth to repeat them.” He pulled the door open for me. “Since they cost a fortune at the dentist, I spared her teeth, but I’m done picking up her calls.”

Undiluted pride filled my chest, spreading to other organs in my body. Or maybe it wasn’t pride. Maybe it was something much more dangerous.

Something that I didn’t want to think about.

Something I had never felt in my entire life.

By the time we got back into the city, it was already late in the evening. The sun hung low, grazing the skyscrapers.

Riggs and I lazed to our front door. I was exhausted. I couldn’t remember the last time my limbs had felt so deliciously sore.

“Please tell me you’re too pooped to make a salad smoothie or whatever and that we can just order in.” He pushed the door open for me with his shoulder.

I sighed. “You’re a bad influence.”

“The good one is boring, so don’t pretend like you aren’t having fun.”

We took the stairs up side by side, even though the stairway was narrow. He slowed down to my pace.

“Fine,” I bit out. “As long as it’s Thai.”

“Fuck Thai.” He took his equipment from me, probably realizing I was about to drop and break it. “We had that last week. Let’s try the kebab shop down the street.”

“I don’t eat kebab,” I informed him. “Or any other fatty meat.”

“But you just said earlier you wanted to blow me.”

I swatted his shoulder on autopilot. We had routines now. That was terrifying. Riggs laughed, but when we rounded the stairway to our floor, the laughter died in his throat. We both halted. Charlie was in the hallway, trying to pick a lock.


“Charlie?” I frowned. “You all right, mate?”

“Yeah ... yeah ...” Charlie—big, tall, handsome, movie-star-look-alike Charlie—spun slowly on his heel, looking left and right. More than anything, looking confused. “I’m just ... I think I forgot my key?”

“Andyour door,” Riggs muttered under his breath. Aloud, he said, “Let’s track your last steps. Where’d you come from just now?”

“The diner, I think.” Charlie grimaced. “Or was it yesterday?”