“That’s okay.” He finished the remainder of his stout, then plucked his jacket from the back of his stool and slid into it. “You’re not a pair of shoes, so that’s not a requirement.”

“Wait, where are you going?” I was still sitting in front of my lackluster martini, avoiding my Riggs-infested flat like it was a mosquito colony I had to brave through.

“Doctor’s appointment.” Charlie tucked his wallet into his back pocket. “Wanna come hold my hand?”

“Do you need me to?” Even if I did want to go home, which I decidedly didn’t, I wouldn’t mind tagging along. Although Charlie was perfectly handsome, worldly, charming, and sought after, he always seemed like a tragic hero to me. Someone I wanted to shield and protect.

“Nah. I’m good.”

I sighed. “Next week, same day, same time?”

“If life grants me another week—I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He winked.

Rolling my eyes, I shooed him away. So dramatic, this one.

“You’re lying.” I pressed my fingers to my eyes, fighting off tears.

“Why would I lie about something like that?” Kieran’s voice drifted into my ear while we were on the phone. “It’s not like I have an incentive for it.”

“I just don’t see why he’d do that.”

“Because he’s a wanker, Duff. Always has been.”

I shook my head, even though my brother couldn’t see me. This was yet another blow in my already shitty-licious week of job hunting and trying to ignore my roommate slash fiancé slash teeny-tiny-totally-minuscule crush. The same one I was going to marry in less than three days. After which a flurry of paperwork and bureaucracy would ensue, and I’d apply for my marriage visa.

Kieran sounded like he was eating something crispy. “I can forward you the email if you want.”

“Go on, then.”

“’Kay. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

I rose up to a sitting position in my bed, grabbed my Mac, and turned it on.

I logged straight in to my email, where the forwarded email from Kieran was waiting.

—————Forwarded message————-

From: Brendan Abbott

Date: Fri, July 20

Subject: Things and stuff

To: Kieran Markham

Kieran, my dude. Hope life’s treating you well. Things over here are awesome, but I miss your sister a lot (please don’t tell her I touched base with you. Poor thing’s only gonna miss me more, and between you and me, the more I have time to reflect, the more I feel like I’m ready to propose when I go back home).

Anyway, I got a few questions about opening a restaurant. I know you and your stepdad have a quaint fish and chips thingy. Just general questions about supply chains, contractors, staff hiring, etc.

Lemme know when you have a few minutes to spare.

Your almost-brother-in-law LOL

So hedidhave access to the internet.

“He thought you wouldn’t tell me?” For some reason, this was what I chose to focus on. Not the fact that BJ was getting ready to propose. He must’ve been a complete eejit to think my own twin would keep secrets from me.

Kieran snorted. “You know we get along fine, but BJ tends to be full of himself. He’s the kind of guy who thinks I won’t snitch on him because we shared an eggnog one Christmas.”