She couldn’t wait to get back home so she could gargle some bleach.



Emmett: . . .

Riggs: It’s the middle of the night, Emmett. Don’t you have women to stalk?

Emmett: Send me a picture of you two together.

Riggs: My dick might be big enough to be its own entity, but the royal “we” is unnecessary.

Emmett: You and Desiree, smart ass.

Riggs: With or without clothes?

Emmett: . . .

Riggs: Pervert.

I woke up to the sound of the world ending.

There was screaming, crying, pounding, and doors slamming. If I had to guess, I’d say Duffy had decided to wrestle a bear in the living room. And was losing.

Cracking one eye open from my vantage point on the couch—I’d somehow gotten used to sleeping with my feet on the coffee table—I spotted my fiancée weeping over the sink, FaceTiming someone on her phone.

“Of courseit’s the end of the world, Kieran!”

Shit.The apocalypse. I wondered if I had time for a quick booty call. It seemed wrong to depart without a last hurrah. Especially after the dry spell I’d had since fate chained me into a shoebox apartment with a snotty Brit who possessed the sex drive of a Coke can. My so-called Scandinavian friend I told Poppins about on her last day at work was a figment of my imagination. Designed to poke at her prudish senses.

“No, it’s not. If anything, it’s a good thing,” her brother piped up.

“How’s that a good thing?”

“Maybe your tosser ex-boyfriend will see this and finally get his head out of his arse.”

Poppins gulped, proceeding to wail even harder. “BJ! I hadn’t even thought of that. How could him finding out be agoodthing?”

“Maybe he’d stop taking you for granted.”

Kieran was obviously more street smart than his twin.

“He doesn’t take me for granted.” Duffy slammed more cabinet doors, bulldozing around the kitchen with a towel and Lysol. She was stress cleaning. Last time she did that, the apartment smelled like someone was trying to cover up a murder. “You know, I’m sick and tired of everyone judging him. Give the man some grace.”

“In BJ’s case, he’d shag Grace too,” Kieran deadpanned.

I barked out a laugh.

She turned toward me, her eyes narrowing on me, like she was ready to shoot me with the Lysol.

“Ah. The arsehole is awake. I’ll call you later.”

Kieran perked. “Can I speak to him?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Don’t kill him, darkling. I’m getting rather attached here.”