“Please. As though if she liked me, it’d have made a difference.” My boss began buttoning her torn blouse. “Money is money, and she’s very fond of it.”

What gave it away? My weakness for designer clothes or the fact I dated BJ Abbott, the heir to a real estate mogul?

Formerlydated, I reminded myself.

“Then how ’bout we grease her palm a little?” Demigod suggested. “Make it worth her while to keep her pretty little mouth shut.”

My eyes ping-ponged between them. For once, I held back my snarky remarks. I wanted to see where this was going.

Gretchen huffed. “Take it seriously, Riggs!”

Riggs.What a peculiar name for a peculiar person.

And a single one too.

“Iamserious.” Riggs flashed a perfect set of teeth. “As you said, money is money, and you’ve got a fuck ton of it, babe.”

Riggs had a tattoo of a mountain on his inner bicep, and beneath it, a list of famous mountains: Mount Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, and so on. The entire list had been crossed off, other than Denali.

He was a mountain climber. How odd that the only major mountain he hadn’t climbed was in Alaska.

How odd that you’d be thinking about his mountain-climbing career while contemplating blackmailing him.Which, by the way, was the direction I was currently leaning toward.

“Fine!” Gretchen swiveled, training her venom-filled gaze on my face. “What’s your price?”

“Take me with you to DC,” I blurted out.

It was the only way I could stay here and wait for BJ, which, for a reason beyond my grasp, was something I was still entertaining, even after he’d screwed me over tonight.

She stared at me for a long moment before tossing her arms in the air and bursting into a tearless sob.

“They won’t let me bring my own staff. Let alone consider a foreigner for a White House job.”

“I need someone to sponsor my visa.” I laced my arms over my chest.

“I can do that!” Gretchen’s eyes lit up. “I can get you interviews with all the networks in Manhattan.”

I shook my head. “I’m not talking interviews. I’m talking about avisa. One I could use to gain employment anywhere. No strings attached.” I was done being metaphorically squeezed by the bollocks by a network that knew I depended on it to stay in the country. Plus, I wanted to make my own hours and negotiate a better salary. And though my inclination was to remain in the news industry—it was fast paced, glamorous, and full of opportunities—I couldn’t help but internally admit to myself that I found the news ... well, quiteboring.

I turned to look Riggs in the eye. “Mary Poppins here isn’t thick.”

“ButIam.” Riggs winked mischievously. He was in the process of rolling himself another joint, licking the edge of the paper with expertise. “And no offense, but smart people don’t usually work for tyrants.”

“At least I’m not sleeping with one,” I said pointedly.

He offered me the spliff. I shook my head. He shrugged. “Assholes make great lovers and shitty employers. Source: science.”

“I don’t think you know what science means.” I glared at him.

“Of course I do. It’s that thing with the test tubes and smoke bubbling out of them. Oh, don’t forget the funny goggles.”

He treated the entire thing like it was a joke.

“So you’re okay with this behavior?” I motioned to Gretchen, who was busy crying into her palms theatrically, producing zero tears and loads of drama.

“She’s my fuck buddy, not my mother.”

“Back to the topic!” Gretchen interjected, not seeming to be bothered by how she’d been openly labeled as an abuser by both of us. “Howam I supposed to secure you a visa? The last thing I need is to meddle with the immigration office while I work for POTUS.”