Page 132 of Cold Hearted Casanova

You,I thought miserably.Nothing less, nothing more. Just you. Flaws and insecurities included. No returns. No money. No prospects. I’ll sign on the dotted line right now.

But this wasn’t about me. It was about him. I knotted my fingers together, my hands in my lap.

“How was it?” I winced.

A dirty smirk tarnished his face. “You mean, finding out Charlie was my sperm donor?”

I flinched at the words, even though they were more than fair.

He snorted. “It was fine. I told him he was a fucker, an idiot, and a rotten soul. Informed him that I was done with him, then went my merry way, straight to get a blood test. No need to see your neurologist now. Your nanny position has been officially terminated.”

He was being mean, but I tried to tell myself he had a lot to digest. An incurable disease, potentially.

“Are you really not going to see him again?” I bit down on my lip.

Riggs laughed sarcastically. “Areyoureally going to marry someone who needed six full months to cheat on you to ‘get it out of his system’?”

“I’m not marrying anyone!” I exclaimed.

He turned around and resumed his journey. I followed him.

“Course you’re not. You’re already married. Wouldn’t wanna pass up a sure thing, huh?”

“Can we not talk about the visa for a moment?” I reached for his shoulder. He shook my touch off.

“The visa is why we’re here. Don’t pretend otherwise.”

“You’re being ridiculous!” I cried out in frustration. It was unlike Riggs to be unreasonable. He was always levelheaded. “I turned down his marriage proposal. I told him I don’t want him anymore. What more do you want from me?”

He stopped again, turning to me sharply.

“You’ll change your mind, Poppins. Women like you always do. Even if you’re infatuated with my dick now. BJ will continue courting you—why not? You’re the entire package, certainly the best he could ever hope for—and one day down the line, in a couple months, maybe, you’ll cave in. Because he is rich, and comfortable, and familiar, and that’s what you gravitate toward. Money. Money you won’t be getting with me.”

Dumbfounded, I blinked, praying this was nothing but a hallucination.

“Is that truly what you think of me?” I asked in a strangled voice, when I finally found my words again. “That I would choose money over ...”Don’t saylove. Even if you feel it.Especiallyif you feel it. He’ll crush you like a bug.“You?”

His nostrils flared, and his jaw pulsated.

“Yeah,” he said smoothly. Coldheartedly. “I honestly think you’d choose money over me. Let’s not forget, we started out with extortion, graduated to a fake relationship, engaged in some meaningless rebound sex, and for dessert, you kept the fact Charlie was my father from me an entire weekend. You’re not trustworthy, and neither am I. Now go back to your boyfriend.”

Riggs swiveled and stalked off.

Even if I wanted to follow him, I couldn’t. My legs wouldn’t move. His words cut me bone deep. I had thought he and I had a connection. A special bond. That we’d changed one another. Subtly. In the same way a blank mug decorated by your child becomes your favorite because of the meaning attached to it. I was still the same Duffy. Just ... a bit better.

It took everything in me to drag my feet back toward the flat. I didn’t know where Riggs was going, when he’d come back, orifhe’d come back.

When I reentered my living room, I was surprised to find BJ at the stove, burning eggs in my frying pan with an apologetic smile on his face.

“Thought I’d make you dinner. Hope it’s okay.”

That was when I truly and genuinely lost it.

“Get thefuckout!” I threw my mobile in the air, letting it fall to the floor and crack. “Christ. It wasn’t enough that you slow burned our relationship for years until it was completely charred, screwed me out of an engagement and a visa, lied to me about your whereabouts, sprang a half-year stunt on me last minute, and cheated on me—now you’ve made theonlyman I truly ever loved leave me. You are one talented man, Cocksucker. Unfortunately, your talent is to mess up my life!”

There was a five-second pause before he spoke again.
